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The first phase of the breast reconstruction training class in West China Hospital ended successfully
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-10-19


October 16-17, by chengdu hi-tech medical association and mammary gland surgery, west China hospital of sichuan university, chengdu hi-tech medical association to undertake the mammary gland disease branch of the "beauty out of your power curve" - west China successfully held in chengdu, the first phase of the reconstruction program from both hospitals and related fields more than 60 experts and scholars attended the training course.


Professor Lu Qing, West China Hospital, Sichuan University

Professor Lu Qing from West China Hospital of Sichuan University was the president of the seminar and delivered the opening speech.

Training invited leading experts in the field of domestic reconstruction - tumor hospital affiliated to fudan university professor wu, vice President of the sun, west China hospital of sichuan university professor zheng-gui du, mianyang central hospital professor Xu Weiyun, tumor hospital affiliated to fudan university professor 杨犇 dragon, tumor hospital affiliated to fudan university professor Hao Shuang etc 18 breast to renowned experts and professors to attend this meeting.


Professor Yang Jiqiao, West China Hospital, Sichuan University

First of all, professor Yang Jiqiao from West China Hospital of Sichuan University introduced the live broadcast surgical cases.


The inferior epigastric artery perforator flap (DIEP) at the left is demonstrated for stage 1 breast reconstruction

The image on the right shows the first stage of subcutaneous lumpectomy with non-fat-soluble lumpectomy combined with mesh reconstruction, as well as the first stage of subcutaneous reconstruction with non-fat-soluble lumpectomy and the prosthesis


Professor Lu Qing, West China Hospital, Sichuan University

Subsequent tumor hospital affiliated to fudan university professor wu sun under abdominal artery perforator flap (DIEP) wearing a demonstration stage breast reconstruction surgery, west China hospital of sichuan university professor zheng-gui du to insoluble fat method of cavity mirror subcutaneous excision of breast reconstruction, a period of prosthetic joint patches and insoluble fat method of cavity mirror subcutaneous single cut and breast prosthesis under the first phase of reconstruction surgery demonstration - double plane method, and professor Lv Qing combined with surgery for everyone to live at a public meeting resolution along with related techniques.


Professor Lv Qing of West China Hospital of Sichuan University  Professor Xu Weiyun of Mianyang Central Hospital

After the live broadcast of the operation, Professor Lu Qing from West China Hospital of Sichuan University and Professor Xu Weiyun from Mianyang Central Hospital took charge of the on-site teaching.


Professor Wu Jiong, Affiliated Tumor Hospital of Fudan University

Professor Wu Jiong from Fudan University Affiliated Tumor Hospital explained the technique analysis of free abdominal flap breast reconstruction for participants.


Yang Xiaoqin of West China Hospital of Sichuan University    Hou Lingmi of Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College    Zhang Fan of Chongqing People's Hospital     Professor Wu Bin of The Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University    Deyang People's Hospital Yi Ying taught    Professor Yin Guobing of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University

Sun wu after the professor explained, west China hospital of sichuan university professor sheep XiaoQin professor hou, north sichuan medical college affiliated hospital to close, the chongqing municipal people's hospital professor sail, southwest medical university affiliated hospital professor Mr. Wu, professor Yi Ying deyang city people's hospital, chongqing medical university second affiliated hospital professor yan bing has carried on the discussion, respectively.


Professor Du Zhenggui, West China Hospital, Sichuan University

Professor Du Zhenggui from West China Hospital of Sichuan University explained the details and techniques of unidirectional non-fat-soluble endoscopic surgery for false body weight.


Professor Zhang Juliang, Xi 'an Xijing Hospital    The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University    Professor Yang Ben Long, Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Fudan University    Professor Zhao Xiaobo, Affiliated to Hao Shuang North Sichuan Medical College    Cancer Hospital affiliated to Fudan University   Duguo City, Nanchong Central Hospital

After the west China hospital of sichuan university professor zheng-gui du explained, xi 'an hospital of xiking Zhang Juliang professors, 6 affiliated hospital of zhongshan university school, fudan university affiliated tumor hospital professor 杨犇 dragon, tumor hospital affiliated to fudan university professor Hao Shuang, north sichuan medical college affiliated xiao-bo zhao, nanchong central hospital professor GuoCheng separately carried on the related question answering questions.


Professor Lv Qing of West China Hospital of Sichuan University Professor Wu Jiong of Cancer Hospital affiliated to Fudan University

At last, Professor Lu Qing from West China Hospital of Sichuan University and Professor Wu Jiong from Tumor Hospital affiliated to Fudan University summarized the training course respectively.

So far, the training has come to a successful conclusion.