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The inaugural meeting of Regenerative Medicine Committee of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association was successfully held
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-10-29


On the morning of October 29th, 2020, the establishment meeting of Regenerative Medicine Committee of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association was held in Chengdu Qingke Biotechnology Co., LTD.

Professor Li Zhonghan, School of Life Sciences, Sichuan University, and more than 50 disciplines of regenerative medicine from major scientific research institutions and medical institutions in Sichuan province attended the inaugural meeting of the first Professional Committee of Regenerative Medicine of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association.


The inaugural meeting was hosted by Cao Lisha of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association. Zhou Jueqiao, director of the Member and Organization Department of the Society, read out the reply of "Establishing the first Professional Committee of Regenerative Medicine of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association". Professor Li Zhonghan of Sichuan University reported the preparatory work of the special committee to the congress.


Speech by The Chairman-elect Professor Li Zhonghan

In accordance with the rules of the academic organization and management of the High-tech Medical Association, the election of the standing members, the vice-chairmen and the chairpersons of the special Committee was conducted by secret ballot. Professor Li Zhonghan of Sichuan University was elected as the chairman, While Qi Shigan of Sichuan University, Zhang Xiaohu of West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University and Yang Shuming of Chengdu Hi-tech Tianren Qingke Hospital were elected as the vice-chairmen. Pudan was elected secretary of the Professional Committee on Regenerative Medicine. He Yuliang, secretary of the Party branch of Chengdu Gaoxin Medical Association, presented the award to the newly established Special Committee on Regenerative Medicine and delivered a speech.


Opening ceremony

The successful holding of the inaugural meeting of the Professional Committee of Regenerative medicine marks the vigorous development of the academic organization of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, which will play a significant role in promoting the scientific research, medical treatment and teaching level in the field of regenerative medicine.

I sincerely wish The Regenerative Medicine Special Committee of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association to play a leading role in the work of "strengthening the grass-roots level and promoting transformation", actively explore the new mode of transformation of medical and technological achievements by cross-integration, actively promote the collaborative and innovative development of regional medical specialties and the biomedical industry, and make new contributions to the development of health undertakings.
