Chengdu Hi-tech Zone conducts technical review of sanitation administrative licensing for companies producing disinfection equipment products
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-12-29

Entrusted by the Education, Culture, and Health Bureau of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Medical Quality Control Management Service Center organized provincial and municipal review experts to produce disinfection equipment products for Chengdu Enpusheng Medical Technology Co., Ltd. in the district on the afternoon of December 28th, 2020 Carry out on-site review and acceptance of health administrative license.

The Quality Control Management Service Center of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone, in accordance with the requirements of the "Sanitary Standards for Disinfection Product Manufacturers (2009 Edition)", formulated a review work plan and organized relevant professional experts from provinces and cities to form review expert groups to conduct on-site review and acceptance.

At the site of the review, the experts conducted a detailed review and acceptance of the company’s factory environment and layout, production area hygiene requirements, equipment requirements, materials and storage requirements, hygiene quality management, personnel requirements, etc., and put forward valuable suggestions and The opinions have played a guiding and helpful role in promoting the further standardized construction and management of the enterprise.

