Chengdu High-tech Zone conducts technical review for administrative licensing of medical beauty institutions in the district
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-12-16

Entrusted by the Education, Culture, and Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, the Quality Control Management Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone organized provincial and municipal review experts on December 15th, 2020 to conduct administrative licensing technology for the "Chengdu High-tech Milan Baiyu Medical Beauty Hospital" in the district Evaluation work.

The Medical Quality Control Management Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone has formulated an evaluation work plan in accordance with the requirements of the administrative license evaluation of medical beauty institutions. Director Ye Feilun, a medical cosmetology expert from Chengdu Third People's Hospital, Chen Xiaorong, a nursing expert from Sichuan Orthopedic Hospital, and Song Guoying, a hospital feeling expert from Chengdu First People's Hospital, were invited to form an evaluation expert group to conduct on-site inspection and acceptance. Teacher Wu Bosheng from the Health Department of the Education, Culture and Health Bureau of the High-tech Zone supervised the whole process, and the High-tech Zone Medical Quality Control Service Center participated in the organization and coordination.

At the review site, the experts conducted a detailed review and acceptance of the organization’s zoning layout, diagnosis and treatment subjects, personnel qualifications, system construction, facilities and equipment, medical waste management, etc., and conducted an on-site assessment of the professional level of medical staff, and put forward valuable suggestions. The suggestions and opinions of the People's Republic of China have played a guiding and helpful role in promoting the further standardized construction and management of this institution.


