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To win the epidemic prevention and control battle, party members should be my first
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-12-30

    ——The Party Branch of the Hi-tech Medical Association December fixed party day activities

On the afternoon of December 28th, 2020, in order to further give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and cadres, and to invest in the anti-epidemic work with practical actions, the Party branch of the Hi-tech Medical Association held the December “Winning the Epidemic Prevention and Control” in the meeting room on the second floor of the society. In the war, party members should first "fix party day activities."


This event specially invited comrades from medical institutions on the front line of the anti-epidemic party to speak out and explain the noble spirit of being a party member to always remember their original aspirations and fulfill their mission. They are: Zou Peng, Nanxin Community Health Service Center, Chengdu Hih-tech Zone, Electronic Technology University Hospital Yang Qin, Hi-tech Zone Cooperative Health Service Center Li Qin, Electronic Science and Technology University Hospital Ling Yuan. They focused on the theme of "To win the epidemic prevention and control battle, party members should be my first", and shared the advanced deeds of party members on the front line of the epidemic. After sharing advanced deeds, the party secretary of the host branch organized a lively discussion among all participants.

In the next time, the branch of the society will collect the moving pictures of the medical institutions through various forms and compile them into a picture album, carry out a tour of the moving stories of the fight against the epidemic, and record the great spirit of fighting the epidemic.


Through this theme party day event, it is more clear that party members and comrades have set up an exemplary vanguard role in this battlefield without gunpowder. "I am a party member, who am I not going to join?", "I am a party member, I will go first!" This is the most heard voice from party members. Through the activities, we not only strengthened our understanding of the situation on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, but once again felt the baptism and sublimation of our minds. It also further stimulated the party spirit and purpose consciousness of the party members and cadres of the Medical Association, and further inspired the ideals and beliefs of all party members, always keeping in mind their duties and missions, and further enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party branch.