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Proposal for recruiting volunteers for prevention and control of new coronavirus
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-02-02

Proposal for recruiting volunteers for prevention and control of new coronavirus

1. Volunteer conditions:

1. Volunteer to participate in the volunteer service related to the prevention and control of the epidemic, and obey the work arrangement.

2. In the past 15 days, he has not been in contact with personnel returning from the epidemic area, especially with any diagnosed and suspected patients, nor has he ever been to the epidemic area.

3. Currently in good health, especially without fever, cough, diarrhea and other symptoms.

4. Those with certain health knowledge, especially medical knowledge in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases are preferred.

2. Service hours:

From now until the end of the outbreak

4. Registration phone

Han Zhuang: 13880721147

Zhao Zhipeng: 15946897230

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Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association
 February 2, 2020