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Notice of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association on the selection and recognition of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals of the health system of Chengdu High-tech Zone in 2016
Author:管理员  Addtime:2017-02-20

The Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association commends the selection

Notice of the Advanced Collectives and Advanced Individuals of the Health System of Chengdu High-tech Zone in 2016


Medical institutions:

In order to commend the advanced, encourage medical staff in our district to provide quality services, and further promote the deepening of the reform of the medical and health system, it is now decided to select and commend a group of advanced collectives and individuals in the medical and health system of Chengdu High-tech Zone. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Selection scope and quota

(1) The scope of the advanced collective selection of the medical and health system of the Chengdu High-tech Zone: the district belongs to various medical institutions and the commendation quota is 10-21;

(2) Scope of selection of advanced individuals in the medical and health system of Chengdu High-tech Zone: District medical and health system in-service staff, with 9-15 commendations.

2. Recognition projects and conditions

(1) Advanced collective

1. Discipline construction advanced collective


Attach importance to (special) discipline construction and management, and actively promote the standardized and scientific management of discipline construction.

The construction of key (specialized) disciplines has been effectively implemented. Specialized personnel management for key (specialized) disciplines has management systems, funding, and has achieved fruitful results in scientific research, talent echelon, medical teaching and discipline construction, and has achieved remarkable results.

(3) There are national, provincial and municipal key academic (professional) subjects, which are selected in terms of quantity and quality.

2. Advanced scientific research unit


(1) Adhere to the guidance of the scientific development concept, the guiding ideology of scientific research work is clear, the academic atmosphere is active, the study style is correct, unity and cooperation, there is a tenacious struggle and dedication;

(2) The unit has a special department and person in charge of scientific research management, can actively organize the scientific research team, face the grassroots level, and actively declare the basic public health related scientific research projects.

(3) Outstanding achievements in scientific research work at the grass-roots level, the scientific research results at the grass-roots level have a high academic value, and have a high influence in the professional field;

(4) The number of scientific research projects established and the results obtained are at the forefront.

3. Advanced collective academic exchange


(1) Actively organize and participate in medical academic exchanges;

(2) Units that organize more than four academic exchanges, key academic subject discussions, and scientific investigations in and out of the region during the year can report and select and select the best based on quantity and quality.

4. Advanced collective in continuing medical education


(1) Implement national, provincial, and municipal continuing medical education management regulations, abide by various rules and regulations, and continue medical management standards;

(2) Continuing medical education as an important part of the on-the-job training of medical personnel in the unit, included in the development plan and annual work plan, and regularly discuss and study the continuing medical education;

(3) Equipped with full-time (part-time) personnel engaged in continuing (science and education) management work, with personnel post responsibilities and various rules and regulations for continuing medical education;

(4) Plan the organization of continuing medical education activities, actively apply for district-level second-class specialist continuing medical education projects, actively hold various academic lectures, and report to the continuing medical education in a timely manner.

(5) The number of continuing medical education projects held throughout the year ranks first.

4. Advanced unit for publicity and reporting


(1) Pay attention to publicity of health information and report important information one by one;

(2) There are dedicated personnel in charge, a network of communication organizations, a plan for publicizing communication reports, and reward and punishment measures to implement mission indicators;

(3) Actively use provincial and urban media platforms or special issue columns and other media to report on the academic, work, and new progress of the unit;

(4) The manuscripts used in the provincial or urban media platforms or special issue columns and other media throughout the year are at the forefront.

5. Advanced unit of junior college


Improve the construction of the special committee, actively attract members, and continue to strengthen the organization of the special committee;

In 2016, more than 15 academic exchange activities were conducted in various forms;

(3) Actively declare and carry out provincial, municipal and district-level medical continuing education projects, and select and select the best based on quantity and quality.

6. Advanced unit for popular science education in a wide range of communities (community health education)


(1) The popular science education of the masses within the radiation jurisdiction has high social recognition and satisfaction;

(2) Organize more than 8 health science education activities in the region this year;

(3) Pay attention to the scientific research and academic development of geriatrics, continuously explore the knowledge of common diseases, chronic diseases, preventive health care and rehabilitation of the elderly, and actively promote it to social education activities, and publish and make relevant knowledge propaganda and education brochures.

(2) Advanced individuals

1. Advanced individual in medical research


(1) I love my job and actively participate in comprehensive subject seminars and various scientific research activities. The quality of scientific research results is high and the number is large.

(2) Efforts to apply the results of scientific research and academic exchanges to clinical practice and actively applied for scientific research projects as the leader of scientific research projects in 2016;

(3) Participate in the construction of key specialties and disciplines in the hospital and become one of the main participants.

2. Advanced workers in continuing medical education


(1) To preside over and participate in the planning, organization and coordination of continuing medical education in the unit; to formulate and implement rules and regulations related to continuing medical education, and to organize the reporting, supervision and inspection of continuing education projects in the unit

(2) Actively organize medical staff to study medical theory, carry out various academic exchanges and continue medical education activities.

(3) Actively provide medical staff with information services and make suggestions for the development of continuing medical education.

3. Advanced individuals in popular community health science education


(1) Love and actively organize the unit to carry out extensive community health science education activities;

(2) Actively serve community residents.

4. Advanced individual of medical ethics


    I love my job, regard the health of the people as my duty, be loyal to my duties, love my job, work hard on business technology, strictly abide by professional standards, noble medical ethics, medical skills, abide by the medical insurance system, a good social image, and high satisfaction of the individual.

5. Advanced individuals in publicity and reporting


(1) Love the propaganda work, have a strong propaganda awareness and sense of responsibility, and play a key role in the news propaganda work of this unit.

(2) Combining the actual situation of work, writing news report information, leading positively, and promoting the harmonious relationship between doctors and patients. Proactively submit articles, and the number of manuscripts with individual signatures and publicity reports completed within the year is greater.

(3) The editorial department of "Health High-tech" summarizes the status of individual manuscripts in this year, and the number of submissions and the number of reports ranks in the forefront;

3. Selection methods and requirements

(1) All units will justly and objectively recommend according to the actual situation. After the application form and related supporting materials are stamped, they will be reported to the office of the District Medical Association. The society will review and confirm the recommended objects and publicize them online. After approval, it will be commended and issued a certificate.

(2) All units must adhere to the principles of seeking truth from facts and fairness, justice and openness, make recommendations for advanced units and advanced individuals, and carefully fill in the "2016 Chengdu High-tech Zone Health System Advanced Unit Declaration Form" and "2016 Chengdu" High-tech Zone Health System Advanced Individual Recommendation Form (see attachment), the deeds should be objective and true, focused, distinctive, and concise, and need to be accompanied by corresponding certification materials.

(3) All units are requested to submit the recommendation form in duplicate to the Medical Association ’s office at in writing before 17:20 pm on February 22, 2017. give up.

(4) Contact: Social Organization Management Department of Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association: Qiu Qiang



                                               Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association

                                          February 20, 2017

Attachment: Recommendation Form for Advanced Collectives and Advanced Individuals