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Xiaohan-How to soak your feet for health
Author:质控  Addtime:2021-01-05


Soaking feet is a way of health preservation that many people like. After a busy day, soak your feet before going to bed, not to mention how comfortable it is~

Many people simply soak their feet in hot water, but in fact, soaking feet is also a matter of knowledge. The editor will introduce you a foot bath trick today:

After soaking your feet, you can do 2 small movements, which are very useful for protecting the kidneys. The kidneys are healed, backaches, hair loss, poor sleep and other problems can also be alleviated.

What exactly should I do? Let’s talk about it in detail below-

A pinch and a pound after soaking your feet is very useful for protecting the kidneys

A pinch: pinch the inner side of the calf

After soaking your feet, pinch Sanyinjiao acupoint, which has the effect of regulating liver and kidney, promoting qi and blood circulation.

Positioning: On the inner side of the calf, three inches above the highest point of the ankle bone (put your hand horizontally, about the width of four fingers horizontally).

Action essentials: pinch the index finger and thumb of the right hand on the inner and outer sides of the calf of the right leg, pinch the Sanyinjiao acupoint with your thumb, and knead for 1 minute. The other side is the same.

One beat: beat the soles of the feet

There is a Yongquan point on the sole of the foot, which is the first point in the kidney meridian of the foot. Pressing Yongquan acupoint has the effect of invigorating the essence and kidney, and can relieve headache, dizziness, insomnia, hair loss and other symptoms.

Positioning: At the bottom of the foot, the depression in the front of the foot when rolling the foot.

Action essentials: Make a fist, tap the Yongquan point as the center, tap rhythmically, with a little pain, tap the acupoints of each foot about 100 times.

You can sit cross-legged on a bed or chair and place one foot on the knee of the other leg, which makes it easier to knock.

Is it very simple? Try it when you soak your feet tonight~

In addition, there are some tips for soaking your feet, which I will tell you by the way.

Soak your feet and add something to help sleep, promote blood circulation and clear the meridian

1. Add some ginger

Adding a few pieces of ginger when you soak your feet can dispel cold, promote blood circulation, and prevent colds.

2. Add some salt

Add some salt when you soak your feet, you can clean your feet, exfoliate your feet, and prevent beriberi.

3. Add some vinegar

Soak your feet often with vinegar, which can regulate and relax the originally tense nerves, decompress the body, and help sleep.

4. Gaai Yeh

Adding a proper amount of wormwood leaves when soaking feet has the effect of dispelling cold and clearing the meridians, suitable for women who are afraid of cold and have dysmenorrhea in winter.

Pay attention to these 5 points, soak a healthy foot

1. Foot bath

Wooden barrels are the first choice for foot bathing, which has better heat preservation.

2. Water temperature

Note that the water temperature should be higher than the body temperature of the human body, but not too hot, just keep it at about 45-50 degrees Celsius.

Judgment tips: put your hands in the water and feel warm.

3. Water volume

The water should be below the ankles, preferably to the lower third of the calf.

4. Time

Chinese medicine believes that soaking your feet at 9 o'clock in the evening can help replenish the blood of the kidneys.

This is because at 9 o'clock in the evening, the body's kidney meridian qi and blood are weak. If the feet can be stimulated in a gentle way by soaking the feet, it can better nourish the kidneys and liver.

Every time you soak your feet, the time should not be too long, 15~30 minutes is appropriate.

5. Although foot bath is good, these 3 types of people are not suitable

Patients suffering from arteritis, phlebitis, and arteriovenous thrombosis: Because foot bathing will cause local blood vessel dilation, it is easy to cause danger.

Patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy: These patients cannot sense the outside temperature normally and are easily burned.

People with foot trauma: It is not advisable to soak their feet, otherwise it will easily lead to infection.