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Frost and health tips
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-10-23


1. Pay attention to adding clothes

     As the saying goes: "If you want to be at ease, work diligently", whether to add clothes or not should be decided according to the changes in the weather, and it is not appropriate to add too much, whichever is not cold. It is recommended to prepare a few more pieces of autumn clothes, so as to increase or decrease as appropriate.

2. The diet should be moisturized

     The frost is already in late autumn. Chinese medicine believes that this season belongs to the "gold" of the five elements, corresponding to the lungs. Therefore, at this time, the dietary regimen is suitable for "ping tonic." Suitable foods are pears, apples, olives, ginkgo, onions, mustard and so on. These foods have the effects of promoting body fluid and moisturizing dryness, clearing away heat and reducing phlegm, relieving cough and asthma, strengthening the kidney and nourishing the lungs. At this time, you should eat less cold food, such as marine fish, shrimp, various cold drinks, etc., to avoid injury to the lungs and cause diseases.

3. Prevent autumn dryness

     Dry evil is easy to damage the body fluid in autumn. If the body fluid is consumed, dryness will appear, manifested as dry mouth, dry lips, dry nose, dry throat, dry tongue, dry stool, dry skin, and even chapped skin. Lungs are moisturizing and nauseous, and the function of the lungs will inevitably be affected. A series of autumn dryness such as dry nasopharynx, hoarse voice, dry cough and less phlegm, and thirst and constipation will occur.

4. Adjust mood

     In late autumn, with miserable winds and rain, grass withered leaves, people are prone to worry about the changes of the seasons. At the bottom of the human brain, there is a gland called the pineal gland, which secretes a kind of melatonin, which causes depression and depression. After autumn, the pineal gland secretes more melatonin, and people's mood is correspondingly low and negative.

     The general principle of emotional recuperation is to reduce the spirit and calm the mind to adapt to the characteristics of autumn's killing and yang convergence. You can listen to more cheerful music and change your mood with warm-toned clothing.

5. Keep warm

     After the frost, the temperature rises slowly, and the peripheral nerves around the joints are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature and air pressure. Therefore, protect the knee joints in the cold weather. Especially girls, wearing short skirts and stockings in autumn and winter can easily catch cold on their knees, which can easily lead to arthritis.

     Secondly, the feet are the second heart of the human body. Many of the meridian routes of the human body originate from the feet. If the feet are cold, the cold will be carried to the whole body, which can easily cause respiratory diseases such as colds. Before going to bed, you can soak your feet in hot water to dilate blood vessels and dispel part of the body's cold.

6, moderate exercise

     In cold weather, strengthen physical exercise, through appropriate exercise, improve the body's immunity. Broadcast exercises, Tai Chi, walking, jogging, mountain climbing, etc. are all suitable exercise methods. Before each exercise, you must do a good job of stretching, pay attention to the reasonable arrangement of movement and static, not to be overworked, and not to sweat frequently, which will cause the yang to leak out, damage the yin and fluid, and weaken the body's resistance.