Join hands with multi-city academic linkage to explore the image trend
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-01-05
  • In order to strengthen the academic exchange of tumor imaging, to improve the regional tumor imaging clinical and research level. On December 18,2020, the 2020 central China Cancer Imaging Forum, co-sponsored by the Radiology Department of Hubei Provincial Cancer Hospital and Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, was held online on December 18-20,2020, attracting more than 700 medical workers to attend the meeting onlin


  • Professor Peking Union Medical College Hospital was invited to deliver the opening speech at the conference, sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence.

  • With the idea of inheritance and innovation, the academic conference aims to exchange experiences, combine the current academic hot spot, multi-city linkage, and jointly discuss the new trend and new technology of the future image, which will help to strengthen the development of the image discipline.