Regulate the general practice, protect the health of the whole people
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-01-05
  • In order to improve the standard diagnosis and treatment level of general practitioners in primary medical institutions in our district, a series of high-tech training courses for general practitioners will be held online on December 26,27,28 and 29,2020, respectively, the series will be sponsored by the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, a total of about 300 online participants.

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  • At the meeting, Luo Yu, a teacher from Xinhua Shaocheng Community Health Service Center in Qingyang District of Chengdu, Bai Jiang, a teacher from Supo community health service center in Qingyang District of Chengdu, and Wang Xiaoli, a teacher from Yuhe Community Health Service Center in Caoshi, Qingyang District of Chengdu, were invited to speak on the unmet need for insulin treatment in China, the management of patients with diabetes during the epidemic of novel coronavirus and the management proposal for patients with diabetes complicated with pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus. At the meeting, the teacher also interacted with the participants on line. The series of meetings has important guiding significance for the daily medical work, it has improved the level of clinical diagnosis and treatment of related knowledge of chronic disease management, diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease, and provided safe and effective medical services for patients and ensured the health and safety of the people.