Through East and West, to the future
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-01-19
  • In order to improve the academic level of the diagnosis and treatment of peripheral vascular disease and varicose veins in Sichuan Province. On January 15-17,2020, a training session on the application of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in peripheral vascular diseases and a training session on standardized diagnosis and treatment of lower limb varicose veins were successfully held in Chengdu, under the control of the epidemic situation, the meeting strictly control the number of participants below the line, using online + offline combined manner held, a total of about 500 relevant medical workers to attend the meeting.

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  • The meeting was opened by director he Chunshui of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, over 30 experts and scholars, including Professor Yang Yi of Hwaseo Hospital in Sichuan University, Professor Zhang Mao of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, Professor Liu Yang of the affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese medicine, and professor Hu Wei of the Southwest Medical University Affiliated Hospital, gave fascinating lectures on the application of external pre-windowing technique in the treatment of aortic lesions involving the arch, the experience of treating tortuous neck abdominal AORTIC aneurysm, and the application of DCB in the inferior genicular artery, there were also three live broadcasts of the varicose veins during the conference.

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  • During the meeting, the participating experts held a special academic lecture and Extensive Academic Exchange on theoretical research and clinical hot issues of peripheral vascular diseases. Adhering to the principle of "connecting the east and the West, connecting the future" , this conference has carried out the promotion and training of vascular access from the perspectives of tradition and frontier, clinical practice and foundation, experience and evidence-based, and set up a platform for academic exchange, it is helpful to promote the level of diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases.