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The Party branch of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association held a democratic review of Party members and a special organization meeting
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-02-26

On the afternoon of February 25th, 2021, the Party Branch of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association held a democratic evaluation of students and a special organization meeting in Conference Room 222. The meeting was chaired by Xie Yi, deputy party branch secretary of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association.

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Zhou Yueqiao, the organization committee member of the party branch of the society, summarized the work of the party branch in 2020. The members of the party branch of the society made a comprehensive summary of the political thought, work and study, ability and style of work in 2020 respectively, and carried out criticism and self-criticism on their own shortcomings. Xie Yi, deputy secretary of the Party branch work to analyze the existing problems and put forward rectification measures.

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Subsequently, the branch members filled in the democratic assessment of the party members in secret, on the spot statistics and announced the results, the branch of 11 party members are excellent comrades; Xie Yi, deputy secretary, introduced the construction plan of the party-group home for health industry in the high-tech zone.

Finally, Zeng Bin, the secretary general and party branch secretary of the association, introduced the preliminary results of the "14th Five-Year Plan" for the development of health undertakings in Chengdu. He hoped that colleagues of the association could learn more and think more based on relevant contents, and make greater contributions to the development of health undertakings in Chengdu.