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Exploring the new model of party construction -- Health industry and health industry in Chengdu Hi-tech Zone held the "two new" organization party construction work conference
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-03-05

On the afternoon of March 4th, 2021, the Party Building Work Conference of Health Industry and Health Industry "Two New Organizations" of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone was held grandly in the conference room on the second floor of Gaoxin Medical Association. Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Education, Culture, Health and Health Bureau, Biological Industry Bureau and Xinbei Community Party Committee and other relevant leaders attended the meeting. More than 80 people in charge of the party building work of medical institutions and pharmaceutical enterprises in the area and members of the Association Secretariat attended the meeting as non-delegates.


The meeting began with a detailed introduction of the preliminary results of the 14th Five-Year Plan for the health industry in the Hi-tech Zone and the plan for the biomedical industry in the Hi-tech Zone. The meeting said that the 14th Five-Year Plan period will be a golden period for the rapid development and efficient growth of the health care industry and the biomedical industry. Hi-tech Medical Association will actively promote the high-quality development of the health care industry and the health care industry based on the actual development of the health care industry, with reform and innovation as the driving force.


Deputy Secretary General Ai He

This paper introduces the preliminary results of the 14th Five-Year Plan for the Health Construction Industry in the Hi-tech Zone


Secretary General Zeng Bin introduced Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association

Development status and biomedical industry planning of Hi-Tech Zone


Party branch deputy secretary Xie Yi presided over the meeting

Subsequently, the party branch of Gaoxin Medical Association, the health industry and the health industry of Gaoxin, discussed the new mode of the "two new" organization of the party building joint innovation and joint construction and the construction plan of the house of the party and the mass, and put forward the plan of the series of activities guiding opinions to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party and the learning and education activities of the party history.

The meeting stressed that Gaoxin Medical Association should actively build a new model of medical and industrial integration for the "two new" organizations of Gaoxin Health Industry, with "Party building leading + industry integration" as the core and the party organization of Gaoxin Medical Association as the hub. We will continue to promote the construction of Chengdu Gaoxin Health Industry as a home for the Party and the masses, jointly build four platforms of learning, communication, collaboration and service, and give full play to the role of Gaoxin Medical Association in "strengthening the grassroots and promoting transformation".




Speech by Delegates

At the meeting, Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital, Sichuan Modern Hospital and Beijing Liandong Investment Co., Ltd. successively offered suggestions for the construction of "two new" organizations of health industry and health industry in Chengdu Hi-tech Zone, and indicated that they would vigorously support the Party construction of "two new" organizations.

Relevant leaders of Education, Culture, Health and Health Bureau and Biological Industry Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone put forward guiding opinions and suggestions on the development of health and health industry in Hi-tech Zone and the party building work of the two new organizations.


After the meeting, the online launch ceremony of the large-scale series of activities of "Celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Party and practicing the Spirit of the Long March" for the national fitness, medical care leading the health to rewalk the Long March road was officially opened.

Gaoxin Medical Association will take the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party as an opportunity to shoulder and grasp the work of the Party building, and promote the realization of a virtuous circle of "promoting the development of the Party building and strengthening the Party building through development". By earnestly carrying out Party history education activities, actively exploring the "two new" organization party building work new mode, fully stimulate the "two new" organization party building work passion and vitality, promote the health and new high-tech cause and the high-quality development of biomedical industry.