Notice of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association on Selection and Commendation of 2020 Annual Advanced Collective and Advanced Individual
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-03-11

Member units and secondary academic organizations:

In 2020, in chengdu high-tech zone and health health bureau, under the leadership of chengdu high-tech medical association (hereinafter referred to as "society") uphold the "based on hi-tech, the whole western sichuan, radiation, scan widely international service" concept, highlight the "strong base, promoting the transformation of" the implementation of a task, learn to all directors and members, with practical action to practice the Gao Xinwei the beginner's mind and mission of people, have made COVID - 19 pandemic control war victory by phases, every task successfully completed in 2020, and the emergence of a batch of advanced collectives and advanced individuals, to stimulate the entire area medical workers for the high-tech health planning implementation achievements "difference". We hereby inform the society of the selection and recognition of the 2020 annual advanced collectives and advanced individuals as follows:

First, the number of advanced collectives and selection conditions

(I) "Advanced Collectives in Discipline Construction" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. Pay attention to the construction and management of academic (specialized) disciplines, and actively promote the standardized and scientific management of discipline construction.

2. The construction of key disciplines (specialized disciplines) has been effectively implemented, and remarkable achievements have been made in the fields of academic team, discipline research, teaching and personnel training.

3. Actively apply for construction projects of provincial, municipal or national key schools (specialized schools), and apply successfully.

(2) "Advanced Medical Research Units" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. The guiding ideology of scientific research work is clear, the academic atmosphere is active, the style of study is correct, unity and cooperation, and the spirit of dedication and hard work is tenacious.

2. Specialized personnel are responsible for scientific research management, who can actively organize scientific research teams and actively apply for relevant scientific research projects for the grassroots level.

3. With outstanding achievements in grass-roots scientific research, the achievements of grass-roots scientific research have high academic value and high influence in the professional field.

4. Undertake national, provincial, municipal or industrial research projects in the past two years.

(3) "Advanced Collective of Continuing Medical Education" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. Implement national, provincial and municipal regulations on the administration of continuing medical education, observe various rules and regulations, and standardize the administration of continuing medical education.

2. Take continuing medical education as an important part of the on-the-job training of medical personnel of the unit, incorporate it into the development plan and annual work plan, and discuss and study the work of continuing medical education regularly.

3. There are specialized (part-time) staff engaged in the management of continuing medical education. The post responsibilities and the rules and regulations for carrying out the work of continuing medical education have been improved.

4. Organize continuing medical education activities in a planned way, actively apply for provincial and municipal continuing medical education projects and district-level continuing medical education projects of second-class specialty, actively hold academic lectures, and report updates in time.

(4) "Advanced Units of Propaganda and Reports" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. Pay attention to health information publicity, and accomplish one thing for important information

To quote.

2. Specially-assigned persons are in charge, we media, publicity and communication reporting plans, and reward and punishment measures to implement the task indicators.

3. Actively use provincial and municipal media platforms, special magazine columns and other media to report the academic, work and new progress of the unit.

(5) "Excellent Award of Comprehensive Evaluation by Professional Committee (Branch)" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. The "Party Working Group" shall be established in the professional committees (sub-committees).

2. Improve the self-construction of professional committees (branches), actively develop members and strengthen academic organizations.

3. Carry out academic exchange activities in various forms, no less than 3 times a year.

4. Actively apply for and carry out at least one provincial, municipal and district level medical continuing education project throughout the year.

(6) "Outstanding Award for Individual Assessment" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. The professional committee (branch) has its own characteristics in the process of work.

2. Have a certain academic influence in your professional field. Compliance with the introduction of international and domestic well-known experts and professors to the academic forum to deliver influential academic speeches.

3. Help Chengdu High-tech Zone in the fields of health care, biomedicine, artificial intelligence, etc., attract talents and promote the landing of industries.

4. Actively promote the implementation of the "strengthening grass-roots and promoting transformation" work of the medical association in the hi-tech zone.

(7) "Advanced Unit of Community Mass Health Popular Science Education" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. The public health popular science education in the area under the jurisdiction has a wide audience, with high public recognition and satisfaction.

2. Organize at least 4 health popularization education activities in the region throughout the year.

3. Pay attention to geriatric medical research, constantly explore the knowledge of common diseases, chronic diseases, prevention, health care and rehabilitation of the elderly, and actively promote it to the "community mass health popularization education" activities, and produce and distribute more than 5,000 copies of relevant knowledge publicity and education brochures throughout the year.

Second,Number of advanced individuals and evaluation conditions

(I) "Advanced Individual of Aid to Tibet" (10)

Selection conditions:

1. Helping medical staff in Dege Township Health Center of Hi-tech Zone.

2. Make ward rounds for teaching and helping the health center, and help the hospital establish and develop departments.

3. To help the county achieve effective disease prevention and control.

4. Assisted medical institutions in Dege County in achieving the standards.

(2) "Advanced Individual in Medical Research" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. I love my work, actively participate in research research and various scientific research activities, and have scientific research achievements. In 2020, it will be awarded for scientific and technological achievements at all levels.

2. Actively apply for research projects and apply the achievements of scientific research and academic exchanges into clinical practice. In 2020, we will undertake national, provincial, municipal and industrial research projects (ranking top 8).

3. Actively publish professional academic papers. At least 5 academic papers will be published in the core period in 2020.

4. Actively participate in the construction of key departments (specialized departments) of the hospital. It is the subject leader or the subject reserve talent and the main backbone of the key science (specialized) subject construction project.

(3) "Advanced Worker of Continuing Medical Education" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. Undertook all kinds of continuing medical education projects at all levels and was the project leader; completed the annual continuing medical education projects undertaken and achieved good results.

2. Preside over and participate in the management of the planning, organization and coordination of the continuing medical education of the unit. To organize and implement the declaration, supervision and inspection of the following education projects of the unit.

3. Actively provide information services for medical personnel and make suggestions for the development of continuing medical education.

(4) "Advanced Individual of Health Science Popularization Education" (5 winners)

Selection conditions:

1. Actively organize the unit to carry out community mass health popularization education activities, and carry out activities more than 4 times a year.

2. Actively and enthusiastically serve the community residents, and offer suggestions and suggestions for the health science education of the unit.

(5) "Advanced Individual of Medical Ethics" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. Business backbone of the unit. Love their work, as the people's health as their duty. Dedicated to his duties, dedicated to his job, assiduous study of business technology, honest practice of medicine, no complaints throughout the year.

2. Abide by professional standards, have noble medical ethics and excellent medical skills. Compliance with the medical insurance system, good social image, high public satisfaction, recognized by the industry.

Note: one of the conditions can be met.

(6) "Advanced Individual in Publicity and Reporting" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. I love publicity work, have a strong awareness of publicity and a sense of responsibility, and play a backbone role in the news publicity work of the unit.

2. Can write news reports and information according to the actual work, give positive guidance and promote the harmonious doctor-patient relationship. Contributions actively, within the year there is a personal signature of the publicity reports published.

(7) "Advanced Individual in Academic Exchange" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. Conduct academic conferences and continuing medical education projects in accordance with academic organization and management regulations. At least one academic conference will be held throughout the year, and the conference fund will be balanced with a slight surplus to achieve sustainable development.

2. Organize and hold academic conferences for more than one and a half days, with more than 15 lecturing experts and more than 300 participants.

3. Organize and hold academic conferences, with academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences and foreign experts and scholars as guest speakers; Experts from international and national associations will give lectures and exchange lectures.

4. Strong sense of medical science and technology innovation, actively publicize the medical science and technology industrial policies in the high-tech zone, and do a good job in the relevant services such as attracting talents and introducing talents.

(8) "Advanced Individual of Quality Service" (5)

Selection conditions:

1. Staff members and secretaries of secondary academic organizations who are enthusiastic about the work of the Institute and are highly praised by members and member units.

2. Do a line of love a line, try to complete the society, professional committee members (branch) Standing Committee to the task, the task is completed well.

3. Hardworking and hard-working, working hard for the experts, well received.

Third,Selection methods and requirements

(1) to attach great importance to, carefully selection.

Each member unit should attach great importance to and appraise seriously. The application form and relevant supporting materials for the evaluation shall be submitted to the Membership and Organization Management Department of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association after being sealed by the unit. Society will be recommended objects for verification and identification of the public on the Internet. The selection will be carried out in the manner of unit recommendation, institute research and superior department approval. The comprehensive selection shall be submitted to the District Education, Culture, Health and Health Bureau for examination and approval after the approval of the standing council meeting.

(2) Adhere to the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness.

Recommend advanced units and advanced individuals well. According to the requirements, carefully fill in the "2020 Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Health System Advanced Unit Declaration Form" and "2020 Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Health System Advanced Individual Recommendation Form" (see the attachment). The deeds materials should be objective and true, with prominent points, distinctive features and concise words, and corresponding supporting materials should be attached.

(3) Submission of selection materials

All units are required to submit two copies of paper materials (with official seal) to the member and organization management department before 17:00 on March 16th, 2021, and send the electronic version of the materials to Any unit that fails to report within the time limit shall be deemed to have given up automatically.

Contact person: Zhou Jueqiao/Teng Jianjiao Tel: 028-69990152