Learn from others' strengths and seek common development-the successful development of a series of tour lectures at the grassroots level under scientific research at Pengzhou Station
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-04-27



    In order to better standardize tumor treatment in grassroots units and improve the scientific research capabilities of grassroots units in the region, it is sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Oncology Special Committee, Chengdu Anti-Cancer Association Cancer Nutrition and Supportive Treatment Special Committee, Chengdu Co-organized by the Eastern Cooperation Group of the Oncology Committee of the Municipal Anti-Cancer Association, the Medical Quality Control Center for Oncological Diseases of Chengdu Xindu District and the Cancer Prevention and Treatment Center of Xindu District, the First Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College, Pengzhou People’s Hospital and Pengzhou Zhong A series of tour lectures at the grass-roots level under scientific research jointly co-organized by the hospital-Pengzhou Station was successfully carried out on April 23-24, 2021.

    The conference was delivered by Professor Gao Yingchun, focusing on tumor targeted therapy, tumor immunotherapy and grass-roots scientific research, etc., to build an exchange and learning platform for experts and colleagues in the form of academic lectures.

    Subsequently, Professor Jia Xu from Chengdu Medical College, Professor Li Qiu from West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Professor Ming Zeng from Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, and Professor Zhou Jin from Sichuan Tumor Hospital respectively conducted the "Leading and Promoting Disciplinary Construction by Cooperation in Scientific Research at the Grassroots Level". "Progress in Systemic Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma", "The Application Value of Aprepitant in the Optimization Management of CINV", "The Status and Research Exploration of Erica in the First-line Treatment of NSCLC" and other topics.

    Based on the cases, Professor Peng Lei from Pengzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine conducted a cancer pain case analysis, and Professor Zhang Jie from the First Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College shared a case analysis of immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment.

    Based on the topics and cases shared by the conference, professors Luo Yangchao, Cao Lei, Zeng Yong and Zhang Li had a lively academic discussion and gave reference opinions.

    This academic exchange tour has a strong learning atmosphere on site, which is of great significance for the assistance and progress of topics related to grassroots scientific research cooperation, tumor targeted therapy and immunotherapy related topics.