Proposal of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association on Responding to the call of Education, Culture, Health and Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone to Provide Rural Revitalization Pair Medical Technology Support to Dege County Health Center
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-04-30

Medical institutions and caring enterprises:

For the positive response of chengdu high-tech zone and health bureau of health education culture, in the high-tech zone of chengdu high-tech medical association love belongs to the medical institutions and enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the "love") launched XiangDeGe county hospitals medical technical AIDS and yizhen activities, and initiative love institutions continue to carry forward the virtue of public-spirited, take an active part in the activity.

I. Medical technical assistance to facilitate the development of specialized departments

In the case of voluntary, combined with the needs of the other party, the Department of Stomatology, Surgery, Gynecology, Paediatrics, Radiology, Laboratory and other specialties of Manigango Health Center and Axu Health Center were paired and free diagnosis, and helped them to establish and develop relevant departments as soon as possible; Provide technical, service, quality control and management guidance to the medical staff of the local health center, and provide them with the opportunity to study in the high-tech zone for free, or continuously send medical personnel to the local for professional guidance and teaching, so as to cultivate the local excellent medical talent team.

II. Activity arrangement

(I) Time: May 10th-14th (tentative)

(II) Location: Manigango Health Center, Dege County (tentative)

(III) Agenda:

1. Continue the medical website donation ceremony

2. Free public health clinics

3. Pair activities of departments information

Contact person: Zhou Jueqiao

Contact number: 18190955543

Address: Room 208, 2 / F, No. 65, Xinyi West Street, Haocheng District

Email address:

Chengdu High-tech Medical Association

April 27th, 2021