The second member congress of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association was held successfully
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-03-31

On the afternoon of March 30th, 2021, the Second General Assembly of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association was held in Tianfu Hall of Chengdu ACI Jinsheng International Hotel. 112 member representatives of health industry in Chengdu High-tech Zone attended the meeting. Director Peng Yong, Deputy Director Zhang Jing, Director Feng Ge, Director Wu Bosheng and other leaders of Chengdu High-tech Zone Education, Culture, Health and Health Bureau attended the meeting. Zhong Yan, Vice President of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association presided over the meeting.


The meeting


Vice President Zhong Yan presided over the meeting

The congress heard and deliberated the report on the work of the first council, the report on the work of the first board of supervisors, the report on the financial work of the first board of supervisors and the report on the constitution of the first board of supervisors. The congress adopted the resolution and elected the second board of directors and the board of supervisors of the society. Zhao Cong was elected as the president of the second council, Sun Jungang and Zhong Yan were elected as the vice president, Xu Shilan and Xiang Long were elected as the directors, Zeng Bin was elected as the secretary general, Xue Fan was elected as the chief supervisor of the second board of supervisors, Ai Zhihua and other 6 people were elected as the members of the board of supervisors.


Zhao Cong, president of the first council, made a report on the work of the council


Zhang Jianshe, director of the first session of the Board of Supervisors, made a report on the work of the Board of Supervisors


Cheng Min, vice president of the first council, made a financial report


Deliberating and adopting resolutions on the report on the work of the congress


To elect members of the new Board of Governors and Board of Supervisors


Count the votes of the candidates


The chief inspector and chief tellers shall report the election results


Zhao Cong, the elected president, made a speech


The leaders of the Education, Culture, Health and Health Administration will issue letters of appointment to the elected leaders of the Institute

At the meeting, the advanced collective and advanced individual of health industry in Chengdu High-tech Zone in 2020 were commended. Director Peng Yong of Education, Culture, Health and Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone made an important speech, and proposed three hopes for the new team of the society:

First, give full play to the role of staff and assistant to help the development of Gaoxin health undertakings;

Second, give full play to the role of a bridge to help the progress of Gaoxin health industry;

Third, give full play to the advantages of the institute to help improve the ability and level of Gaoxin health industry.


The leadership of the Education, Culture and Health Administration awarded the honorary certificate for the 2020 annual advanced unit and advanced individual table in the health industry


Director Peng Yong of Education, Culture, Health and Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone made a speech

Time does not live, the glorious new day. In the next five years, the society should always adhere to xi jinping, a new era of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics as guidance, earnestly implement the health "difference" in the zone planning, coagulation hearts meet force, innovation, and work hard to create success, to Gao Xinwei health career and the coordinated development of biological industry with high quality to make new and greater contribution.
