"Smart Rongcheng, Xinglin Road" Hospital Management Summit was successfully held
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-05-18



    In order to promote inter-hospital exchanges, promote high-quality development of hospitals, and improve hospital management. On May 18, the "Smart Rongcheng and Xinglin Road" hospital management summit hosted by the Chengdu High-tech Medical Association was successfully held in Chengdu. Nearly 60 experts and scholars in the field of hospital management from all over the world gathered to discuss development.

    First of all, President Yang Jin of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University made a speech as the chairman. He said that through this exchange and learning platform, the hospitals will learn from each other and promote the good experience and good practices gained in deepening medical reform and improving hospital management. The transformation of Chengdu University under the background of medical reform payment was a topic, and a special lecture was given to everyone.

    Subsequently, He Qiang, Vice President of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital, Secretary Xu Mingqing of Meishan Hospital of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Secretary Lei Jianguo of Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital, and Accountant Li Min of Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital respectively carried out the "Smart Hospital Construction, Assisting the high-quality development of hospitals", "Follow the footprints of West China and embark on the road of high-quality development and reform of hospitals", "The Way of High-quality Development of Regional Alliance Hospitals", and "Medical Service Charge Management Ideas under the New Medical Insurance Payment Reform". Lectures and lectures.

    According to the content of the lectures at the conference, Yang Hongwei, deputy dean of Suining Central Hospital, Huang Wei, deputy dean of Deyang People’s Hospital, and Chen Lulin, deputy dean of Chengdu University Affiliated Hospital, explored the hospital performance management under the conditions of new medical insurance payment and the construction of smart hospitals. In the context of disharmony medical reform and payment, Chengdu University’s transformation path and other hot topics discussed the new direction, new thinking, and new mission of modern hospital management.

    In this meeting, the speakers, experts and Jia had a lively discussion. They exchanged and shared from new perspectives such as strategic planning and payment reform, medical transformation under integrated medical care, resource optimization and disease big data, which contributed to further strengthening hospital management and improving medical quality. It is of great significance to improve the quality of hospital services and promote the high-quality development of hospitals.