Sing the twin city circle, integrate into the double loop, and achieve double victories --The first academic meeting of the Respiratory Committee of the Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and the Respiratory Summit Forum of the Chengdu-Chongqing Double
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-05-24


    In order to further improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of respiratory-related diseases at the grassroots level, to enable the majority of medical staff to understand the new developments and trends of respiratory diseases, and to strengthen academic exchanges in respiratory disciplines, the first academic conference of the Respiratory Specialty Committee hosted by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and Chengdu-Chongqing The Respiratory Summit Forum of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle was successfully held in Chengdu on May 21-22. About 160 respiratory-related medical staff from Chengdu and Chongqing attended the meeting.

    More than 72 respiratory professionals from major hospitals in Sichuan Province participated in the inaugural meeting of the Respiratory Professional Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association. The conference passed deliberation and democratically elected leading groups such as the Standing Committee of the Special Committee, the Vice Chairmen, the Chairmen-designate, and the Chairmen. Director Chen Yunfeng of Chengdu First People’s Hospital was elected as the chairperson, Professor Dong Yan from the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was elected chairperson-designate, Professor Li Qunying from Chengdu First People’s Hospital, Professor Zheng Yuqiong from Chengdu First People’s Hospital, and Chengdu No. Professor Yin Jun from the Third People's Hospital, Professor Yan Hao from Chengdu Second People's Hospital, Professor Chen Mei from Chengdu Fifth People's Hospital, and Professor Zhou Hui from the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University were elected as deputy chairmen. After the founding conference, the first academic meeting of the special committee was held.

    Vice President Luo Jun of Chengdu First People's Hospital extended a warm welcome to the leaders and colleagues. Then he gave a wonderful speech on the topic of "Building Outstanding Teams and Achieving Outstanding Talents". He firmly believes that the holding of the Respiratory Summit Forum will definitely inject new impetus into the development of respiratory disciplines.

    Honorary Chairman of the Respiratory Committee and Vice President of Chengdu First People’s Hospital Wang Yongsheng first expressed his warm congratulations on the establishment of the Respiratory Committee of the High-tech Medical Association, and to the experts and leaders for their continuous concern and support for the hospital. Express my heartfelt thanks. He expressed that he would promote the development of respiratory science through the platform of respiratory academic conference to enhance academic exchanges and improve clinical research.

    Ai He, Deputy Secretary-General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, extended a warm welcome to the experts, scholars and colleagues present at the meeting. He emphasized that this academic conference has accurately grasped the medical connotation of respiratory disease prevention and treatment, and played a role in promoting respiratory disease prevention and treatment. In particular, this academic conference will unite and gather respiratory disease prevention and control experts from Chengdu and Chongqing. Academic exchanges, earnestly "sing the dual city circle", strive to "integrate into the dual cycle", and strive to "achieve double victories". At the same time, Secretary-General Ai expressed his gratitude to all partners who supported this meeting, and finally wished the meeting a complete success!

    Chairman of the Respiratory Specialty Committee and Director Chen Yunfeng of Chengdu First People’s Hospital, on behalf of the Respiratory Specialty Committee of the High-tech Medical Association, expressed a warm welcome to the participating leaders and colleagues, and thanked all the lecturers for their strong support. She firmly believes that with The establishment of the Respiratory Committee of the High-tech Medical Association and the holding of this academic conference feast, through the exchange of academic experience, sharing medical results, further promoting the prosperity and development of the respiratory discipline, seeking more health and well-being for patients, and continuously improving the level of social health And make more contributions.

    The academic atmosphere of the conference was strong, with active discussions in the venue, focusing on the cutting-edge progress of respiratory medicine, covering chronic diseases, lung tumors, pulmonary infectious diseases, pulmonary vascular diseases and other respiratory basic and clinical hotspots and difficulties. The perspectives and content, concepts and concepts of the company have promoted the full-speed development of respiratory disciplines in Chengdu and Chongqing from multiple perspectives and across the country.