Promote image inspection and strengthen discipline development
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-05-26


With the rapid improvement of image inspection, various imaging equipment has been developed by leaps and bounds. In order to strengthen the academic exchanges of medical imaging and comprehensively improve the professional and management level of practitioners, especially the clinical application of magnetic resonance. The imaging technology clinical application seminar co-sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and Yuncheng Central Hospital was held in Yuncheng on May 23, 2021. About a hundred representatives attended the seminar.

The conference invited more than ten experts and scholars, including Professor Xu Haibo from Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Professor Zhang Hui from Shanxi University First Hospital, Professor Rao Shengxiang from Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, and Professor Yang Junle from Xi’an First Hospital to diagnose the impact of pancreatic cystic tumors. Thoughts, preoperative imaging evaluation of glioma, the value of medical imaging in esophageal cancer, and other related topics were launched wonderful lectures and case analysis.

This conference provides a platform for clinical medical practitioners and scientific researchers to exchange diagnosis and treatment technology and academic research results, which is conducive to promoting the academic development of clinical scientific research and medical imaging disciplines, and promotes high-quality clinical research in the fields of medical imaging and radiology. It is of great significance to promote the level of clinical scientific research.