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[Unite as one to Fight the epidemic] Hospitals in Chengdu are on the move
Author:质控  Addtime:2021-07-29

They are fearless in the face of the epidemic

On July 27th, three new domestic cases of COVID-19 were reported in Chengdu. After the outbreak, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, immediately launched an emergency response plan, and hospitals in Chengdu quickly went into emergency mode to deal with the epidemic. Let's take a record of these heroes on the front lines of the fight against the epidemic.

Chengdu Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine is on the move

After the outbreak, chengdu Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine set up a temporary nucleic acid testing site immediately. Nucleic acid collection has been actively carried out, nucleic acid tests have been conducted on close contacts, and body temperature has been monitored. And frontline doctors have fainted from heatstroke after prolonged testing in full protective clothing in the hot sun.

(Please pay attention to the video: Chengdu Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine # We fight the epidemic, firm and fearless video number)

Chengdu jing Dong fang hospital party branch in action

In the face of the epidemic, the general Branch of the Party of Boe Hospital called on the majority of party members and cadres to actively participate in the nucleic acid testing team, party members and comrades in front of the charge, do not retreat. Cao Yong, secretary and president of the General Party Branch of the hospital, encouraged party members and officials to show the charm of Beijing medical staff and gather the "nucleic acid testing team" to carry out nucleic acid testing in the airport community on July 29.

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The United States health Chengdu branch branch in action

Meinian Health actively responded to the municipal government's call to fight the epidemic, and on the evening of July 28th, medical staff went to Tianfu International Airport to collect nucleic acid samples.


The United States years 49 years of party age veteran member Shi Fuxiang in action

Shi Fuxiang, an old member of Meinian Healthy Chengdu Company who is nearly 70 years old and has 49 years of party experience, volunteered to work all night with other frontline comrades on July 28, 2021 when the epidemic came. Facing the rising sun, we have jointly completed the nucleic acid sample collection task of 80,000 people, and Mr. Shi has embarked on a new journey.

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Chengdu high - tech south China hospital party branch in action

On the afternoon of July 28th, the Party branch of Gaoxin Huanan Hospital held an emergency meeting to fight the epidemic, requiring every party member to actively do epidemic prevention work, wear masks in hospitals and nursing homes, scan the health code, and the hospital has tested nucleic acid more than 200 times in the past two days.


Chengdu gaoxin Boli hospital party branch in action

The Party branch of Chengdu Gaoxin Boli Hospital actively responded to the call of the Health Commission and the Office of Disease Control and Epidemic Prevention of the High-tech Zone. The party members of the branch actively joined the nucleic acid testing standby team in the zone and made full preparations to support the front line of nucleic acid testing. At the same time, the party branch also organized the party member medical staff in the hospital for the area should be checked to check the personnel to carry out accounting testing. In the hot summer, the sweat soaked the clothes and blurred the eyes, but the inspectors of Chengdu Gaoxin Bori Hospital are not lax, still meticulous for the inspection staff to do a good job, and guide the masses to scientific response, orderly prevention, has done nucleic acid testing for thousands of people, for the public health escort. Chengdu Gaoxin Boli Hospital, safety protection, mission will reach!

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Sichuan modern Hospital (high-tech area) in action

"Chengdu go On, We are on the move" Received the notification from Gao Xin Health Department and Zhonghe Street, Sichuan Modern Hospital (High-tech District) quickly organized an emergency sampling team of more than 50 people, among which more than 30 Party members formed an anti-epidemic spearhead team and traveled at various points under the leadership of Vice President Huang Yan. Fifty emergency responders took nucleic acid samples for more than 12,000 people within two days.

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Chengdu Komber Hospital is on the move

Chengdu Kangbo Hospital in the anti-epidemic action, the Communist Party members in the front, actively registered to participate in large-scale nucleic acid sampling work, 24 hours a day on standby, to ensure that the fight at any time to go to the 28 transfer of concentrated isolation of 12 people.


The Nanxin Community Health Service Center of High-tech Zone is in action

"Outbreak is command, adhere to the epidemic prevention and control of fast and efficient", high-tech zone southern new community health service centers in basic-level party branch for fortress, under the leadership of the party branch, fighting in the prevention and control center staff on the line, adopt the way of two teams take nucleic acid acquisition work day and night, transshipment close contact personnel more than 50 people, complete the nucleic acid to collect more than 5500 people.

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The Fangcao Community Health Service Center is in action

After the outbreak of the epidemic, the Party branch of Fangcao Community Health Service Center put forward the first time according to the unified arrangement and deployment at the district level, and quickly set up a large-scale crowd nucleic acid sampling working group represented by party members, a total of more than 20 people into the work. At 12 a.m., sampling was still underway. Due to the small number of residents taking samples late at night, some staff hurried to rest for a while to save their energy, and later they had to replace their colleagues on duty.

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Good Doctor Number one is on the move

After the outbreak, the Party members of Good Doctor First Hospital actively responded to the call, and within half an hour, an emergency sampling team of 28 people was set up to wait for the instruction of the Department of Health, ready to go to the front line of nucleic acid testing. After receiving the notice, the volunteer team devoted themselves to the work of "required inspection", providing 24-hour nucleic acid specimen collection service for the people in the area, and providing on-site inspection service for more than 10 people. By 12 am, July 29, 2021, volunteers have collected nucleic acid samples for more than 1,400 people in the community.

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What time is not quiet good

It's just someone carrying the load for you

To the medical workers on the front lines of the fight against the epidemic

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