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The activity of "Exercise to Reduce blood sugar" was carried out smoothly
Author:质控  Addtime:2021-04-13

To make the new north movement hypoglycemic knowledge community diabetes patients and improve their notion of hypoglycemic and sport skills and to promote healthy living in diabetic patients, chengdu high-tech medical association joint new north community health service center on April 13rd, 2021 in the afternoon, the academic community health service center in the new north 4th floor hall to carry out the "sports hypoglycemic You me "sports hypoglycemic speaking activities.


Activity is introduced

Before the start of the activity, the social worker of the institute introduced the purpose and significance of the project to the service object, so that the service object could understand the content of the project and enhance their enthusiasm to participate in the follow-up activities.


Experts explain

In this activity, Tan Cuixia, deputy chief physician of endocrinology Department of Chengdu First People's Hospital, was invited to teach the service objects related knowledge of hypoglycemic exercise. Through the explanation and on-site interaction, the service objects understood the basic content of hypoglycemic exercise and improved their confidence in participating in hypoglycemic exercise activities.

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At the end of the meeting, Dr. Tan Cuixia made a concluding speech. She emphasized that exercise to reduce blood glucose has a high feasibility, but exercise should be scientific, and follow the guidance of professional doctors, not blind exercise, otherwise the effect will backfire. Exercise, pay attention to science, you should persevere!