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Sichuan Province human assisted reproduction quality control and safety strategy expert seminar was successfully held in our hospital!
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-12-12

On December 11th, the expert Seminar on Quality control and Safety Strategy of human assisted reproduction in Sichuan Province, sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and undertaken by the Reproductive endocrinology and reproductive Medicine Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and Chengdu Xifuan Gynecological Hospital, was successfully held in our hospital.


The purpose of this seminar is to further standardize the management of assisted reproductive technology in our province, further improve the level of infertility diagnosis and treatment, further strengthen the academic exchanges among the same industry, and jointly promote the long-term balanced development of our population and promote the high-quality development of economy and society.


Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Reproductive Medicine Professional Committee, domestic and provincial experts engaged in reproductive medicine and related professional, medical personnel attended the seminar.

Before the seminar started, Professor Li Yuan, Chief medical officer of Jinxin Reproductive, gave a welcoming speech, hoping to share ideas and make progress together through this conference to provide better medical services for patients.


Professor Xu Kehui, chairman of the seminar, said that the conference is of vital significance to assisted reproductive technology in our province, and I wish the seminar a complete success.


Ai He, deputy secretary general of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, affirmed the positive contribution made by Jinxin Group in the field of reproduction, and believed that there would be further improvement through this academic exchange.


Zeng Bin, secretary general of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, participated in the meeting in the form of online. He took everyone to review the development of reproductive field in Sichuan for more than 20 years, and put forward many valuable suggestions on the construction of disciplines.


Afterwards, the seminar was officially opened. Centering on the core theme of "Quality control and safety strategy of assisted reproduction", this seminar discussed and communicated from two dimensions of reproductive center quality control and OHSS prevention strategy.

Professor Ma Qianhong shared the Quality Control System and Operation of Assisted Reproduction and introduced the status quo of ART development and the significance of comprehensive quality control.


Professor Lv Qun shared the content themed Quality Management and Quality Control of Assisted reproductive Technology, which provided more meaningful suggestions for clinical quality control management.

Professor Li Yuan of our hospital focused on the topic of Evidence-based OHSS Prevention Strategies, introduced the current situation and prediction of OHSS, and shared the current prevention goals and main prevention strategies for OHSS. She emphasized that although there are many prevention strategies at present, there are still problems that need to be solved by scientific research. To carry out high quality research of RCTS, in-depth exploration of OHSS mechanism, ART total quality management and so on will be the direction of future efforts.


In the discussion of the topic, the experts and scholars expressed their opinions and made in-depth discussions and suggestions from various angles and dimensions based on their own research fields and medical practice. Finally, Professor Liu Weixin gave a wonderful summary. The seminar came to a successful conclusion.

In the future, Chengdu Xishlui Gynecological Hospital said that it will continue to strengthen the communication and standardization of quality management of assisted reproductive technology, and cooperate with fellow experts and scholars to further promote the orderly development of quality control and safety strategy of human assisted reproductive in our province.