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"Inheritance long March spirit · Help healthy Sichuan" to xiaojin County rural revitalization activity team set out!
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-05-21

2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In order to inherit the spirit of the Long March, firm ideals and beliefs. Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and Chengdu High-tech Zone Biological Industry Experts Association jointly held the activity of "Inheriting the Spirit of the Long March and Helping Healthy Sichuan". Xiaojin County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, is the most tragic place where the Chinese Workers and Peasants' Red Army climbed the snow mountains and crossed the grassland on the long March. There are many red gene education resources in the county.


Group photo of participating units this time

On The morning of May 21st, at 8:30, guided by the spirit of the Long March, the activity left for Xiaojin County to carry out a number of activities, such as learning the history of the Party, free medical treatment, academic exchange, science popularization, specialized assistance construction, national fitness and visiting the Long March memorial Hall. Help the development of health care in old revolutionary base areas, revitalize the community, and put health first. The activities will vigorously promote the development of grassroots revitalization and healthy China strategy, and contribute healthy wisdom to the construction of beautiful Xiaojin.


President Wang Li delivered a speech

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Prepare the team