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The rehearsal of a singing contest to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-12-16


To celebrate the founding of the communist party of China in one hundred by the chengdu high-tech zone culture education and health bureau and chengdu high-tech zone biological industry development guidance, and chengdu high-tech zone of chengdu high-tech medical association federation of biological industry experts hosted "struggle in one hundred, made the new journey" theme singing contest rehearsal activities held on May 15, 2021.


(Scene photo)

Since the notice of this activity was issued, many participating units from the health and biological industries in the High-tech Zone have actively responded to participate and made serious preparations. Chengdu First People's Hospital and Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital and other units brought a total of 19 wonderful programs. The competition began with an exciting song "Me and my Motherland", in which the contestants waved the national flag and sang an exciting song. Then, each competitor took the stage in turn to express their love for the Communist Party of China with their songs, fully highlighting the mental outlook of the workers in the gaOXING health industry and the biological industry. The rehearsal scene set off a small climax, the final program, the audience sang "no Communist Party, no New China", everyone with their own songs to express the blessings of the motherland.

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At this point, the rehearsal of the singing contest was successfully concluded, the program was wonderful, inspiring, won the applause of the audience. After the rehearsal, each competitor strives for perfection, seeks for deficiencies, continues to rehearse hard, and strives to produce a more perfect work in the formal performance; Every staff member strives to optimize the process to ensure the success of the competition.