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Steady and orderly, the wind is clear - Chengdu high - tech medical association party branch election party members meeting held successfully
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-08-19

On April 19th, 2021, with the approval of the higher party committee, the general meeting for the general election of the Party branch of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association was held in the conference room on the second floor of the association. All the members of the association, the heads of all departments and the active members for party membership attended the meeting. The deputy secretary of the New North Community Party Committee Hu Dan and Zhang Dengwei were invited to attend the meeting. Conference by society party branch full-time party affairs worker Xie Yi to preside over.


(Xie Yi presides over the meeting)

The conference kicked off with the solemn national anthem. According to the "Communist Party of China constitution" provisions, the meeting first by Xie Yi read out the new North community party committee to this election congress of the reply, the meeting deliberated through zhou Jue Qiao comrade on behalf of the last session of the party branch to make the work report; The report carefully summarized the three years since the establishment of the Party branch of the Society, the Society has constantly promoted the construction of grass-roots Party organizations, with party members as the vanguard model, play the role of a fortress; Carry out a variety of party building activities, constantly enhance the cohesion of workers; Organize party members and the masses to play a leading role and contribute to the country during the COVID-19 pandemic; The content is rich and informative, unanimously affirmed by the participants.


(All party members rise and sing the national anthem)


(Comrade Zhou Juecqiao makes a work report on behalf of the last branch)

Subsequently, the conference voted through the election method of the conference, the party branch committee member candidate list, the list of vote monitors and vote counters. According to the provisions of the Party Constitution and the election method, the participating party members "observe politics, discipline and rules", give full play to the democratic spirit, and elect 5 members of the new Chengdu High-tech Medical Association branch secretary, Deputy secretary and members by secret ballot; Among them, Zeng Bin was appointed party branch secretary, Xie Yi was appointed party branch deputy secretary, Ding Xing, Zhou Jue Qiao, Teng Jianjiao and other three comrades were appointed branch members, and the election task was successfully completed.


(The monitor and teller are paying attention to the ticket)

微信图片_20210819134431.jpg(The inspector announces the election results)

Finally, the newly elected party branch secretary comrade Zeng Bin represents a new branch committee report to the general assembly member of division of labor and speech, said in the next five years, will strengthen the party construction and the party member troop construction itself, give full play to the function and the communist party branch of the battle stronghold cutting edge exemplary role of party members, carries forward the spirit of innovation, enhance the cohesion and influence of the industry, Play a leading role in the industry, create a new situation of grass-roots party building in the new era, and contribute to the development of high-tech biological industry.


(Speech by Zeng Bin, newly elected Party Branch Secretary)