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[Unite as one to Fight the epidemic] The Party branch of Zhongnuzhong Tongrambo (Chengdu) Medical Inspection Co., LTD is in action
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-07-31

On July 27th, three new domestic cases of COVID-19 were reported in Zhuhai. After the outbreak, the high-tech zone immediately launched the emergency response plan, and all major hospitals quickly entered the state of emergency and started to deal with the epidemic. Let's take a record of these heroes on the front lines of the fight against the epidemic.

On the morning of July 24th, the Party branch of China Nuclear Corporation Tongrambo (Chengdu) Medical Laboratory Co., LTD., upon learning of the epidemic in Nanjing, immediately set up the "Chengdu Rambo Nanjing Anti-epidemic Spearhead Team" to nanjing to provide support.

On July 26th, he Xinxing, a probationary party member, led the team, and luo Yue, Wang Dongmei, Deng Yawen and other four doctors arrived at Nanjing Life Science park and completed the nucleic acid test of 100,000 people. During the whole process, all the staff did not change their shift or rest. Members of the vanguard team against the epidemic built a solid barrier for the health of the people of Nanjing with their thin shoulders.

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On July 27th, when the epidemic broke out in Chengdu, Zheng Yong, a Communist party member in Chengdu, received the order to fight the epidemic. He organized sampling teams overnight and dispatched sampling teams to some communities and companies in Chengdu High-tech Zone. Comrade Ke Wenqian led the laboratory staff to carry out nucleic acid test all night long, and Comrade Jiao Yang coordinated the sampling. They fought for more than 40 hours to win precious time for the control of the epidemic in Chengdu.

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