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[United As a City to fight the epidemic] Blood donation without compensation helps life
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-08-02

Blood donation without compensation helps life

Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital-West China Shangjin Hospital has been in emergency mode since July 27, when new domestic cases of COVID-19 were reported in Chengdu. On this basis, in order to thoroughly implement the theme of "I serve the people" activities, vigorously promote the spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress", ease the summer blood bank supply shortage, and ensure the health and safety of the people. On July 29, Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital - West China Shangjin Hospital carried out the "I Do Practical things for the masses - the 10th Free Blood Donation and Love Offering Activity" in front of the outpatient building. The activity was actively participated by the hospital staff, patients' families and community residents.

Widely publicized

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The activity was led by the Logistics Party Branch of Shangjin Government, and carried out in conjunction with the general branch of the Communist Youth League and the labor union. The activity especially contacted the Chengdu Blood Center to provide convenience for medical staff to donate blood, and was implemented in strict accordance with the guidelines and requirements of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control when the national blood bank collected blood.

Carefully prepared


To actively do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, to ensure the safety of blood donation activities smoothly, event, in the part of the party members, members of the spontaneous volunteer team together to maintain the order of flow strict screening, keep a safe distance, take mouth-muffle, strict disinfection protection, etc., at the same time that donating blood for blood donation personnel flow, and health education, Guide everyone to fill in the application form of blood donation, measure weight, blood pressure, test finger blood, blood collection, etc.


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Branch Secretary/Vice President Zhong Yan led the heads of relevant functional departments to visit the scene to guide the epidemic prevention and control, care and sympathize with the blood donors and staff

After the blood donation began, all the party members and cadres of the hospital took the lead and actively organized and led the department staff to donate blood in batches in strict accordance with the epidemic prevention requirements. Meanwhile, passing residents and patients' families rolled up their sleeves and joined the blood donation team to actively contribute their own strength.

Our love


After active mobilization and extensive publicity of the hospital in the early stage, a total of 165 staff members of the hospital signed up to donate blood, including 74 party members and league members. Some staff members also mobilized their families and friends to donate blood together. The blood donation campaign lasted for 6 hours and a total of 135 people donated blood with a total of 40,800 ml.

Life calls for blood, love needs dedication

Blood donation is a social project and a love project, which promotes life and health with hot blood. Since its opening in 2012, Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital - West China Shangjin Hospital has been carrying out blood donation activities every year for 10 consecutive years. In the face of the outbreak of the epidemic, as medical workers, they once again demonstrated their determination to fight against the epidemic with concrete actions, practicing the love of caring for life and selfless dedication, and delivering positive energy to the medical and health system.