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[United as a city to fight against the epidemic] The good doctors under the heat of 37 degrees, silently protect the health of the residents!
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-08-04

On July 27TH, three new domestic cases of COVID-19 were reported in Zhuhai. After the outbreak, the high-tech zone immediately launched the emergency response plan, and all major hospitals quickly entered the state of emergency and started to deal with the epidemic. Let's take a record of these heroes on the front lines of the fight against the epidemic.

Chengdu High-tech Good Doctor First Hospital

On August 1st, chengdu high-tech zone temperature 37 degrees outside, 11 o 'clock at noon 02, chengdu high-tech good doctor informed and streets, the first hospital, please send an ambulance and hospital medical personnel 12 a.m. to neutralize the community health service center, assist the neutralization street community health service center in home quarantine personnel of nucleic acid sampling work.

The prevention and control of the epidemic is of great importance. Upon receiving the notice, the Medical department of Good Doctor First Hospital immediately arranged the emergency department and outpatient department of the hospital, and organized three medical staff to wear protective clothing, masks, goggles and masks immediately.


At 12:16, the medical staff of our hospital arrived at the Zhonghe Health Service Center with an ambulance and related supplies. After receiving the assignment, they began the 9-hour intensive nucleic acid collection work. Because people under home quarantine live in different places and have different travel and residence histories, our medical staff contacted them one by one and visited them one by one for nucleic acid collection.


A little figure gives a lot of energy

Braving the high temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, with no time to drink water, the medical staff walked through 21 residential areas, completed the accounting and collection of all home quarantine personnel, and successfully completed the tasks assigned by the street office.

After handing over the nucleic acid samples, the medical staff returned to the hospital hungry at 21:34 p.m. He took off his protective suit, face mask and goggles and his face was deeply scarred, he was soaked, and his limbs were a white salt stain of sweat.


Nucleic acid tests will be conducted on individuals quarantined at home

"Nine hours in a hazmat suit is hot, but it's nothing. I'd love another nine hours to complete the mission!" Good doctors and medical staff say so.

It is reported that in July, under the leadership of the Bureau of Education, Culture and Health and the Zhonghe Street Office of the High-tech Zone, Good Doctor First Hospital actively carried out nucleic acid testing support action, making a positive contribution to the prevention and control of the epidemic in the high-tech zone.


The sweat had congealed into salt