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[United As a city to fight the epidemic together] nucleic acid sampling, party members first - direct hit high speed
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-08-05

In the evening of August 2nd, medical institutions in Chengdu High-tech Zone received the task from their superiors, and in the early morning of August 3rd, chengdu High-tech Zone carried out a new round of nucleic acid sampling for residents in the zone according to the work arrangement. This round of nucleic acid sampling was set at multiple points, and each point covered a different sampling task. Medical units set out in the early morning, and by around 5 a.m., field workers, medical staff and volunteers were ready. Let's take a look at them on the front line.

Chengdu First People's Hospital

Party members on the move

Public hospitals, at the forefront; White armour, stick to the line; The whole people, the city peace! At 5 am on August 3, the First People's Hospital of Chengdu, under the leadership of the party committee of the hospital, sent 118 party members and medical staff to the nucleic acid sampling site of the high-tech zone to participate in the large-scale nucleic acid testing. To our comrades on the front lines.

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Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital/Sichuan University West China Hospital Shangjin Hospital

Under the leadership of Zhong Yan, secretary of the Logistics Party branch of Shangjin government, a large-scale nucleic acid sampling support team consisting of 50 members, mainly party members' representatives, was set out at 3 a.m. on August 3. Arrive at West Park Community Health Service Center at 3:20; At 4:00 in the morning, all the staff set out for each sampling point (Portland Town, Missouri town, Yidu International Community, Tianfu Software Park G area), and the sampling work officially started at 6:00 in the morning. Take turns working until 12 at night! Pay tribute to the people of West China who are carrying heavy loads.

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Sichuan Modern Hospital

The party branch is on the move

At 4 o 'clock in the morning of August 3rd, 50 medical staff gathered in the outpatient building of Sichuan Modern Hospital (high-tech District) boarded the bus and went to Tiexiangsi Water Street, 699 Tianfu First Street, to complete the task of nucleic acid sampling for 13,192 people. Come on, Chengdu!

Chengdu Jing Dong Fang Hospital

The party branch is on the move

At 4 am on August 3rd, Beijing Oriental Hospital in Chengdu sent more than 50 party members and medical staff to carry out nucleic acid testing in medium-risk areas. Salute the most beautiful rebel! You have worked hard! A total of 7,520 people were tested by noon on the same day.

Chengdu Western Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

The party branch is on the move

Chengdu west collection after notification from a superior combine traditional Chinese and western medicine hospital, the hospital party branch secretary Song Lin immediately organize the nucleic acid collection team at 4 am on August 3rd, 6 and herbs for nucleic acid sampling community work on time and continue until 11 PM, nearly ten thousand people are expected to be collected, frontline staff is not only a party member, to join the party activists, They are the post-00s generation.

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Zhonghe Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone

The party branch is on the move

At 4 in the morning on August 3rd, chengdu high-tech zone and community health service center director hong-lin luo rally party member representatives and staff 50, set off for tianfu 1033 second street, tianfu iron, 699 a street like temple water street, ShuangXiang green park, big source community old square, 5:00, nucleic acid acquisition work has begun on time, sampling 34118 person-time.

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Chengdu High-tech Zone cooperative Community Health Service Center

The party branch is on the move

On August 3rd, 2021 community health service center of chengdu high-tech zone cooperation party branch secretary Cheng Xiaochuan led the party members and medical personnel dispatched 70 person-time, bear the risk during two point sampling, nucleic acid outbreak heartless, advance of party members, as the wind city point sampling 5230 times, at noon after city international point sampling 4010 person-time, combined sampling of 9240 people.

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Shiyang Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone

The party branch is on the move

On August 3rd, chengdu high-tech zone shiyang community health service center of party branch secretary QingLiGang personally led the party members and medical personnel 58, fighting in the area of four nucleic acid detection point, in the book of ode in the on-site measuring the nucleic acid of more than three thousand people, the remaining three points including ode to joy, poly lily garden, the americas, a total of four point detection of more than 14000 people.

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Guixi Community Health Service Center in Chengdu High-tech Zone

The party branch is on the move

At 5 am on August 3rd, the Guixi Community Health Service Center of the High-tech Zone, led by Jia Chaoyong, secretary of the Party branch, quickly organized party members' commandos to go to two sampling sites in Guixi and complete the nucleic acid sampling work of more than 15,000 people.

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Fangcao Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone

The party branch is on the move

On August 3rd, 4 am, chengdu high-tech zone in community health service center director shuang-qing li led the sampling team members ShiFanGang representatives and staff of 82 people in the high-tech zone in community health service center in the southern district of collection, respectively to the ideal center, tianyi south lane, the ac in the atrium, is expected to complete more than 10000 people throughout the nucleic acid detection.

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Xiaojiahe Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone

The party branch is on the move

At 4:30 in the morning of August 3rd, Yue Hui, secretary of the Party branch of Xiaojiahe Community Health Service Center in Chengdu High-tech Zone led 50 party members and medical staff to gather in jincheng Nanfu, Times Crystal, Poly Constellation and Poly Xingyu Xiangxue Community to carry out large-scale nucleic acid sampling. The central party branch set up the party member pioneer team, the charge in the first line of sampling, jointly complete the task of 15,000 people sampling.

Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Xiyuan Community Health Service Center

The party branch is on the move

In the morning of August 3rd, 59 party members and medical staff representatives from Xiyuan Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone arrived at the nucleic acid collection site to carry out large-scale nucleic acid sampling work. Up to now, more than 13,000 people have been sampled.

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Yongan Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone

Party members on the move

On August 3rd, the Yong 'an Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone received a notice from the superior and organized the party member representatives to go to the sampling site in Guixi to collect nucleic acid for more than 15,000 people. The other three groups of workers took samples for the quarantinable people at home. The two sides finished their work in the early morning.

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Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Nanxin Community Health Service Center

Party members on the move

The Nanxin Community Health Service Center of Chengdu Gaoxin District is responsible for the nucleic acid sampling of Poly heart language sites in the control area. By 4 a.m., the first crews were all in place and working. In this batch of centralized sampling action, Nanxin Center dispatched 40 party members and medical staff, and up to now more than 2000 people have been sampled. In the face of the high temperature of nearly 40 degrees Celsius, medical staff of brother units and people in line for testing fainted due to heatstroke, and the health staff of Nanxin community gave professional emergency care at the first time.

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Chengdu Hi-tech Zone New North Community Health Service Center

Party members on the move

At 4:00 a.m. on August 3rd, The Xinbei Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone received the notice and went to the temporary nucleic acid collection point of a CG to conduct nucleic acid testing for residents in the risk area. Luo Chaoyu, deputy director of the center and a party member, led the emergency nucleic acid collection team to the collection point at 4:30 a.m. Up to now, more than 2,300 people have been collected.

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Chengdu Badadachi Medical beauty hospital

Party members on the move

At 4 o 'clock in the morning of August 3rd, Chengdu Badabu Medical Beauty Hospital responded positively to the call of the superior unit, and sent 10 medical staff to cooperate with the education, culture and health bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone to collect more than 9000 people for nucleic acid testing and sampling in shiyang Street community.

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Chengdu Hi-tech Boli Hospital

The party branch is on the move

On August 2nd, too, chengdu Gao Xinbo concentrated nucleic acid collection after notification from a superior force hospital, the hospital party branch immediately sent party representatives and the medical team to shiyang fucheng street community nucleic acid for home quarantine crowd gathering, including hui jin road 33, 33 burson-marsteller street, and 77 ShengDong road green garden, hui lang garden, hui xin garden, huizhi garden. A total of 42 medical personnel participated in nucleic acid collection. Sampled 124 staff members of a bank. At 5:10 on August 3, the 10-member sampling group of the hospital participated in the large-scale sampling of Xiaojiahe community. From 8:00 to 20:00, August 3rd, I will participate in large-scale nucleic acid test in Chengdu First People's Hospital (nucleic Acid Test Base of High-tech Zone). On the same day, all staff members, family members and escorts of Chengdu Gaoxin Boli Hospital conducted nucleic acid tests for 225 people.

Chengdu Hi-tech Pukang Hospital

Party members on the move

At 4:00 a.m. on August 3rd, 10 medical workers from Chengdu Gaoxin Pukang Hospital arrived at the designated sampling point to collect nucleic acid together with the Fangcao community and carry out nucleic acid testing for residents in the area according to the work arrangement. On the same day, Chengdu Gaoxin Pukang Hospital also conducted nucleic acid tests on medical workers and residents in nearby clinics, pharmacies and outpatient departments in an orderly manner.

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Chengdu Hi-tech Zhongqing Boao Hospital

Party members on the move

In order to actively respond to the call for large-scale nucleic acid collection of the High-tech Zone, the medical Department of Chengdu Hi-tech Zhongqing Boao Hospital quickly established a team of 10 volunteers. After several training, the collection task was successfully completed on the night of The 3rd.

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Chengdu Kangbo Hospital

Party members on the move

In addition to the prevention and control in the hospital, Chengdu Kangbo Hospital resolutely fulfilled the task instructed by the superior, all the hospital staff stopped their leave, and sent 10 nurses to participate in the NUCLEIC acid testing and sampling at 4:00 am on August 3rd. In addition, we also sent two laboratory staff to participate in the nucleic acid testing work in a hospital laboratory, which is expected to last until 2:00 am on August 4. In addition, we also sent four nurses to participate in the COVID-19 vaccination work at any time, all of them actively contribute to the epidemic prevention and control, and shoulder more social responsibilities.

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Sichuan Huamei Zixin Medical Beauty hospital

Party members on the move

Sichuan Huami-Zixin Medical Cosmetic Hospital anti-epidemic volunteer team set out in the early morning of August 3! All the medical girls and girls are working hard to help the front line and win the battle against the epidemic. Safe Chengdu, safe China!

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Chengdu Meinian Big Health high-tech branch

Party members on the move

In chengdu beautiful big dean Song Dayu high branch, chengdu mj health director Wen Xiaohua, qingyang branch director Yang Jian, first, lead the team in the morning on August 3, more than 50 people to a line of nucleic acid samples of more than 16000 copies, the outbreak, take the bull by the horns, thought of only "overcome outbreak, don't let the beautiful chengdu again hurt", because they are both of the communist party.

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Good Doctor First hospital

Party members on the move

At 4 o 'clock in the morning of August 3rd, 10 medical staff from Good Doctor First Hospital set out and arrived at tiestangsi Shui Street, Tianfu First Street. They were responsible for nucleic acid collection for more than 10,000 people from the five communities, and continued to contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic in the community. Remember the resounding name -- Good Doctor!

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The virus has no mercy. They have nothing to fear

We firmly believe that after the epidemic, the flowers will be even more brilliant!

Be the most beautiful rebel,

To be the most lovable person of our time,

To be the guardian of people's health.