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The 918 incident day | history is any guide, the revitalization of the Chinese!
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-09-18


Take history as a mirror and revitalize China

  Ninety years ago today, the sound of a cannon ripped through a solid railway, disturbed a peaceful autumn day and rewrote The fate of China.

  In order to protect the country, tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers shuttled through the rain of bullets, one soldier fell, another soldier continued to advance...

  They, with the young flesh and blood in exchange for national well-being, with a firm iron will to support the hope of the nation, today, the alarm bell ringing, do not forget the war, we self-improvement!

Do not forget national humiliation, remember history

In memory of the dead, we become stronger

We must strengthen our confidence and work together

To achieve national prosperity and rejuvenation

The Chinese dream of people's happiness is forging ahead