the inaugural meeting of the cardiovascular professional committee of chengdu high-tech medical association was successfully held
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-11-06

in recent years, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases has gradually increased, the number of visits to vascular diseases has gradually increased, and the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases have gradually received attention from major hospitals. in order to improve the diagnosis and treatment level of cardiovascular diseases in our province and further promote the healthy and rapid development of cardiovascular diseases in our province, the inaugural meeting of the cardiovascular professional committee of chengdu high-tech medical association was successfully held online on november 6, 2021.

the meeting was presided over by teng jianjiao, member and organization management department of chengdu high-tech medical association, director zhang jun of chengdu first people's hospital, director xie wen of the affiliated hospital of chengdu university of traditional chinese medicine and 65 experts from major hospitals in sichuan province attended the inaugural meeting of the special committee online, professor luo jun of chengdu first people's hospital, and ai he, deputy secretary-general of chengdu high-tech medical association, attended the meeting online and delivered speeches.

according to the agenda of the inaugural meeting and the election procedures, the meeting democratically elected the standing committee, the chairman, the chairman-elect, the vice-chairman, and other leading bodies. director zhang jun of chengdu first people's hospital was elected as the main committee, director xie wen of the affiliated hospital of chengdu university of traditional chinese medicine was elected as the chairman-elect, li gang of sichuan provincial people's hospital, wu jing of chengdu third people's hospital, chen xinyun of chengdu first people's hospital, hu yongmei of chengdu second people's hospital, qin fang of chengdu first people's hospital, and shi weichen of chengdu seventh people's hospital were elected as vice chairmen.

the convening of the inaugural meeting of the cardiovascular committee has built a good technical exchange platform for the practitioners of cardiovascular diseases in our province, marking the vigorous development of the academic organization of the chengdu high-tech medical association, and playing a positive role in promoting the construction of the cardiovascular discipline system, promoting the promotion of technology and industry standards. in the future, the establishment of the cardiovascular committee will play a leading role in the work of "strengthening the grassroots and promoting transformation", actively exploring a new model for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the cross-integration of medical and industrial engineering, and making more contributions to promoting academic prosperity and development and the cause of cardiovascular diseases.
