the inaugural meeting of the youth committee and the humanities group of the oncology committee of chengdu high-tech medical association was successfully held the online inaugural meeting was successfully held
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-11-13


on the afternoon of november 12, 2021, the chengdu high-tech medical association held the online inaugural meeting of the youth committee of the oncology committee and the humanities group, with the development of social economy and culture, the improvement of health needs, the change of the concept of quality of life, and the great changes in people's requirements for the prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment and health and happiness of tumors, and the humanistic care requirements for mental outlook. in order to strengthen the construction of oncology team, respond to social orientation and national needs, promote the construction of a healthy china, improve the health level of the people, promote inter-regional mutual learning and assistance capabilities, and escort the development of oncology, the meeting was attended by ren tao, director of the first affiliated hospital of chengdu medical college, jia yuming, director of the second people's hospital of yibin city, and ai he, deputy secretary-general of chengdu high-tech medical association, to participate in the online meeting and delivered speeches.


through deliberation, in accordance with the relevant management measures, the leading bodies of the chairman and vice chairman of the youth committee were democratically elected online. director ren tao of the first affiliated hospital of chengdu medical college was elected as the chairman of the oncology youth committee, teacher liu jia of the first people's hospital of chengdu city, teacher liu tao of tianquan county people's hospital of ya'an city, teacher yan qin of the fifth people's hospital of chengdu city, and teacher zhou yangang of the first affiliated hospital of chengdu medical college were elected as the vice organizing committee of the youth committee of oncology.


jia yuming, director of the second people's hospital of yibin city, was elected as the leader of the oncology anthropology group, mr. du chi of neijiang cancer hospital, mr. li chongguo of the 363rd hospital, and mr. mei chaorong of the chengdu office of the people's government of the tibet autonomous region were elected as the deputy leaders of the oncology anthropology group.

the convening of the online inaugural meeting of the youth committee of oncology and the humanities group provides an important platform for strengthening the cooperation of high-quality resources between regions, promoting the linkage and sharing of medical resources and the top three medical resources in the region, and also marks the vigorous development of the academic organization of chengdu high-tech medical association, and in the future, it will play an active role in promoting the discipline construction and standardized management of oncology majors, carrying out relevant academic exchanges, and improving the level of professional capabilities and research of specialties.