Continue to strengthen quality control and strengthen the defense line of epidemic safety -- Chengdu High-tech Zone carried out the second round of special supervision and spot check on the quality of novel Coronavirus nucleic acid testing laboratories
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-05-11

In order to continuously strengthen the supervision and management of the Medical laboratory for Novel Coronavirus nucleic acid testing in Chengdu High-tech Zone, further standardize the testing work of the tripartite testing laboratories in the area, improve the technical level and testing capacity of inspectors, and ensure the laboratory testing quality and biosafety. In accordance with the relevant document requirements of the Medical Treatment Team of Sichuan COVID-19 Emergency Response Headquarters, entrusted by the Education, Culture and Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, On April 29, 2022, the Medical Quality Control And Management Service Center of the High-tech Zone, together with the health supervision and law enforcement personnel of the District, launched the second round of special quality supervision on the three third-party medical testing laboratories for novel Coronavirus nucleic acid testing in the zone.


The inspection invited Zeng Tingting and Wang Yangyi from West China Hospital of Sichuan University shangjin Nanfu Hospital to form an expert team to conduct on-site inspection of the tripartite medical laboratory.


Inspector panel through methods such as field view, data access, in view of the nucleic acid testing laboratory in accordance with the practice, detection, quality control and quality record in detail on the aspects of examination, and the problems found during the inspection, the on-site guidance, feedback, and put forward the rectification implementation opinion, urged the nucleic acid testing laboratory will implement supervision work, Strengthen quality control to provide strong support for regular epidemic prevention and control.
