Yang Emergency first Aid sails the boat of life safety -- Chengdu High-tech Zone Emergency First Aid Quality Control Sub-Center held emergency quality control expert training and standard review meeting
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-05-11

In order to improve the professional service level of emergency in high-tech zone, strengthen the standard construction of emergency quality control, promote the application of various technologies in emergency work, and promote the scientific development of emergency discipline. On the afternoon of May 7, 2022, the emergency quality control expert training and standard review meeting was successfully held by Chengdu First People's Hospital and The Medical Quality Control Management And Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone and undertaken by the Emergency Quality Control Sub-Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone.


Ai He, deputy director of Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Quality Control Management And Service Center, and XX experts from Chengdu High-tech Zone Emergency quality control Center attended the meeting.

During the training session, the taught experts respectively explained in detail "green channel management of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding", "early identification and evaluation of sepsis", "the leading role of emergency department in treating acute ischemic stroke" and shared their experiences. Afterwards, all the participating experts expressed their opinions and formulated the emergency quality control plan of Chengdu High-tech Zone in 2022 according to the standards of Chengdu Emergency and First Aid Quality Control Center and the actual situation of the zone, laying a solid foundation for promoting the steady development of emergency and first aid work in the zone.、


The medical quality management service center, deputy director of chengdu high-tech zone YiHe said for sure, emergency first aid quality control sub-center work through this meeting, effectively improve the communication of each emergency first aid medical institutions work, strengthens the experts to high-tech zone of emergency first aid the understanding of the actual situation, actively promote the regional emergency first aid homogeneity, standardized operation and high quality development. At the same time, the training will improve the level of medical emergency and ensure the quality and safety of medical treatment.