"Unite as one, clean hands for safety" -- the publicity activity of hand hygiene month in 2022 was successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-05-24

In order to further consolidate the prevention and control achievements of COVID-19, improve the sensing and control ability of medical institutions, strengthen the management and monitoring of hand hygiene and cleaning and disinfection, reduce the incidence rate of nosocomial infection, and promote medical safety and patient safety. The "final of 2022 hand hygiene knowledge competition and special training on sensory control knowledge", sponsored by West China Hospital of Sichuan University and Chengdu high tech Medical Association, and organized by the hospital infection management branch of Chengdu high tech Medical Association and the hospital sensory quality control sub center of high tech Zone, was held in the conference room on the sixth floor of the outpatient department of Chengdu shangjinnanfu hospital from May 19 to 20.


In mid April, all medical institutions in the province actively responded to the call, participated in hand hygiene publicity activities, hung hand hygiene publicity banners in hospitals, publicized hand hygiene knowledge to employees, patients and companions, posted hand hygiene theme posters and distributed hand hygiene publicity materials. After the preliminary work review, a total of 10 medical institutions entered the finals.


On the afternoon of May 19, 2022, the final of hand hygiene knowledge competition was held. AI he, Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu high tech Medical Association, delivered a speech for the final. He said that hand hygiene is one of the important measures to prevent nosocomial infection. We should master correct and appropriate hand washing methods to ensure the effect of hand washing, so as to prevent cross infection and avoid nosocomial infection. In the competition, each contestant who entered the finals actively participated and performed enthusiastically; Think carefully and answer carefully for each question. The whole game was orderly, lively and a complete success! After fierce competition, Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu hospital won the first prize; Sichuan Provincial General Hospital of judicial police officers and Pengzhou Fourth People's hospital won the second prize,; Sichuan construction hospital, Yibin Second People's Hospital and Chengdu Chenghua maternal and child health hospital won the third prize; Chengdu integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine hospital, Pidu District Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, Hanyuan County People's Hospital and Chengdu high tech Zone Fangcao Community Health Service Center won the Excellence Award.


The special training on sensing and control knowledge was held on May 20, 2022; Zhong Yan, vice president of Shangjin Nanfu Hospital of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. This training invited well-known experts in the province to share who's experience and practice in improving hand hygiene bundles, strengthening the standardized management of medical waste under the COVID-19 in combination with new requirements, and testing and methods for the suitability of medical protective masks; Through on-site questioning and discussion, the knowledge and understanding level of participants on the prevention of nosocomial infection were strengthened.


This activity fully displayed the concept of "unity, for safety, clean hands" in every corner of the hospital, made infection prevention and control fall into details, and strengthened the concept of infection control.