The combination of medicine, industry, finance and trade promotes the rapid transformation of scientific research results
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-04-01

    On the afternoon of March 31, the first medical innovation salon of the Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, which was hosted by the Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, undertaken by the Yashiyu Private Board of Directors, and co-organized by Tianfu Xiaoyao Valley, was successfully held in Tianfu Xiaoyao Valley. 4.1.png

      At the meeting, Zeng Bin, Secretary-General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and Director of the Medical-Industrial Integration Innovation Center, firstly introduced that the purpose of this salon meeting is to achieve information sharing, win-win cooperation, establish a platform for the coordinated development of medical-industrial finance and trade, and innovate for the biopharmaceutical industry. Do a good job on the ground. 


      Deng Fei, general manager of Changrui Biotechnology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd., communicated about the development and incubation of carrier drugs and the one-stop service (from DNA to IND) project for the development of macromolecular biopharmaceuticals; Six major platforms including quality research, drug registration management, carrier drug screening, construction and incubation, protein drug industrialization development and animal cell industrialization development were introduced in detail.


      Chen Su, chairman of Chengdu Weijin Boao Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd., gave a detailed introduction to the three major projects of T cell regulatory protein, HIV-1 binding protein and norovirus. He is good at innovative research and development according to clinical needs and his own advantages. 


      Quan Shu, general manager of enterprise development of Zhipuce Medical Technology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd., introduced the four main products under the minimally invasive hemodynamic monitoring system project, and explained the current business model of the company.


      Wei Dapeng, consultant of Chengdu Baize Kangrong Life Science Co., Ltd., exchanged views on the applicable objects, raw material sources and R&D process of the cell extraction value-added project.


      Invited to participate in this salon are: Ling Yixiong, Chairman of Beijing Jinyuan Lifeng Asset Management Co., Ltd.; Wei Dapeng, consultant of Chengdu Baize Kangrong Life Science Co., Ltd.; Deng Fei, General Manager of Changrui Biotechnology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd., Business Manager Zhang Yajie; General Manager of Enterprise Development of Zhipuce Medical Technology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd. Quan Shu, Assistant to General Manager Su Luyu; General Manager of Tianfu Xiaoyaogu; Wang Xiang, chairman of Shijie Technology Co., Ltd.; Zhang Chengbao, chairman of Xinjiang Xinbao Jiaxin Culture Media Co., Ltd.

Editor in charge: Cao Lisha

Review: Lin Fan