Visiting medical technology enterprises, in-depth exchanges and cooperation to promote development
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-04-09

On April 6 and April 7, Zeng Bin, Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, Director of Medical-Industrial Integration Innovation Center, Bu Wei, Deputy Director of Medical-Industrial Integration Innovation Center, and the main leaders of CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. successively cooperated with Chengdu Ruiqi Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Chairman of the company Wade and his company leaders had a discussion and exchange.4.6(1).png

At the exchange meeting, Chairman Weide briefly introduced the situation of Chengdu Ruiqi Medical Technology Co., Ltd. to the guests. Ruiqi is a national high-tech enterprise dedicated to the research and development, production, sales and service of medical specimen collection systems, microbial detection systems, biotechnology and information technology products, as well as venture capital incubation in the medical and health field.

Secretary-General Zeng Bin emphasized that the Medical-Industrial Integration Innovation Center will formulate comprehensive and in-depth in-depth services in medical-industrial financing and trade that are in line with the enterprise according to the characteristics of the enterprise, combined with the resource endowment of the enterprise and the demands of the enterprise, and strive to open up innovation and creation for the enterprise. The door of convenience, integrate high-quality industry resources to help enterprises innovate and transform, empower enterprises to promote and implement products and technologies with independent intellectual property rights, and promote the development of biomedical technology to make due contributions.

After two exchanges and in-depth discussions, everyone believes that the current biopharmaceutical industry has a rapid development momentum, and the wave of technological innovation of enterprises is emerging. The characteristics are obvious and the parties should use the two conferences and the innovation center exchange platform to fully communicate and promote each other, adding new models for industry cooperation and new formats for medical-industrial integration!

Editor in charge: Cao Lisha

Review: Lin Fan