Accurately inspecting the medical industrial park to effectively accelerate the transformation and landing process of scientific and technological achievements
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-04-09

On the morning of April 7, 2022, Bu Wei, Deputy Director of the Medical-Industrial Integration Innovation Center of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, accompanied Chen Su, Chairman of Chengdu Weijin Boao Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd., to visit Chengdu Medical City (Phase III of the Three-Medical Innovation Center) , HEMO+ and other industrial parks. 


     During the meeting, in-depth exchanges were conducted with the main leaders of the New Economic Investment Promotion Bureau, Chengdu Medical City, Guanghua Kaiyuan Company, Jiulian Group, and the District Committee Office, and exchanged with the main responsible leaders of Chengdu Medical City, Chengdu Medical City, Sanyi Innovation Based on the existing basis, the center has made a detailed planning introduction and in-depth research on the development and layout of the original and innovative biopharmaceutical industry and the cooperation of multi-clinical centers. Communication, and reached a strategic cooperation intention with Jiulian Group to jointly hold various professional forums and academic conferences in the medical city, and confirmed the intention of the main leaders of the medical city and Jiulian company to visit the society in the near future.


     While the government strongly advocates innovation-driven and the innovation level of the biopharmaceutical industry is rapidly improving, the society is also continuously building and integrating the innovative development of the biopharmaceutical industry, linking the government, linking industries, building platforms, expanding channels, and promoting inclusive development. , accelerate the transformation process of scientific and technological achievements in the biomedical industry, and play its due capacity and role for the development of the industry.

Editor in charge: Cao Lisha

Review: Lin Fan