Integrate industrial development resources to promote project transformation and landing
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-05-26

On May 25, 2022, entrusted by Comrade Zeng Bin, Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and Director of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Medical-Industrial Integration, Bu Wei, Deputy Director of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Medical-Industrial Integration of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and Zhengzhou Chuangtai Biotechnology Service Co., Ltd. Chairman and General Manager Zhong Nan, General Manager of Zhengzhou Chuangmai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Guo Yong, and Executive Deputy General Manager of Zhengzhou Linkong Pharmaceutical Technology Service Co., Ltd. Xue Song conducted field project inspections in Wenjiang and Pengzhou.

  After visiting the project, Dong Yong, Deputy Secretary of the Wenjiang District People's Government District Committee and relevant leaders, Bu Wei, Deputy Director of the Medical-Industrial Integration Collaborative Innovation Center of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and relevant personnel of the Society, Chairman and General Manager of Zhengzhou Chuangtai Biotechnology Service Co., Ltd. Manager Zhong Nan, General Manager of Zhengzhou Chuangmai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Guo Yong, and Executive Deputy General Manager of Zhengzhou Linkong Pharmaceutical Technology Service Co., Ltd. Xue Song had a preliminary exchange and discussion.


After the meeting, the society organized a Zhengzhou inspection team to visit the Chengdu Medical City International Science and Technology Community, and had a discussion with Zou Guochun, general manager of Beijing Lingchuang Precision Medicine and Health Industry Investment Co., Ltd., and Wang Meng, deputy general manager of Zhongguancun Development Group.


 Finally, the society and the Zhengzhou team went to Tianfu Chinese Medicine City in Pengzhou to visit and inspect, and had an exchange and discussion with Wang Liang, deputy director of the Tianfu Chinese Medicine City Management Committee and other key leaders.5.26(3).png

All parties believe that under the careful planning and careful preparation of the Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Medical-Industrial Integration Collaborative Innovation Center, this visit has a compact schedule, rich content and prominent focus. understand and identify with each other.

All participating units expressed that they must seize the current industrial development opportunities, combine various policies and platform resources provided by the government, vigorously promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and jointly contribute to the development of the biopharmaceutical industry.

Editor in charge: Cao Lisha

Review: Lin Fan