Strengthen the exchange between the two places and jointly promote the coordinated development of the industry
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-06-16

On June 14, 2022, Zeng Bin, secretary-general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and team members had a learning exchange with Chen Chanmei, deputy director of the delegation from Nanjing Jiangbei New Area to Chengdu, in Xiaoyao Valley of Tianfu.6-16(1).png

Secretary-General Zeng Bin extended a warm welcome to the visit of Deputy Director Chen Chanmei of the delegation. He sincerely thanked the delegation for bringing the experience of Jiangbei New District in Nanjing worth learning and reference, and hoped that the Chengdu High-tech Medical Association could help the eastern and western regions to synergize and differentiate the biomedical industry. Development and further play the role of staff assistant.6-16(2).png

Ms. Chen Chanmei, deputy director of Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Management Committee, proposed to further strengthen the linkage between east and west and coordinate and differentiated development, and hoped that Nanjing Jiangbei New Area and Biomedical Valley - Jiangbei New Area Biomedical Development Association and Chengdu High-tech Medical Association can sign a strategic cooperation framework agreement , and explore the common development model of linkage collaboration, resource sharing, intelligence sharing, talent sharing, and channel sharing in multiple specific fields.


Through this study and exchange, a beneficial exploration has been made for the coordinated development of the biopharmaceutical industries of the two places.6-16(4).png


Editor in charge: Cao Lisha

Review: Lin Fan