Promoting the Development of Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Passing on the Quintessence of Traditional Chinese Medicine -- The new progress and application of Traditional Chinese Medicine Appropriate Technology Continuing Education Class
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-11-14

The appropriate technology of traditional Chinese medicine is widely used in the clinical work of traditional Chinese medicine, and the technological innovation is changing with each passing day. In order to enable more practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine to master the new technology and methods, so that they can be used in clinical practice, improve the clinical efficacy, raise the level of diagnosis and treatment, and reduce the burden of medical treatment for residents. The municipal medical continuing education project "New Progress and Application of Appropriate Technology of Traditional Chinese Medicine" (C22-01-117000123), sponsored by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and undertaken by Chengdu Xinbei Community Health Service Center, was successfully held in Xinbei Community Health Service Center, High-tech Zone on November 12. More than 30 TCM students from inside and outside the district attended the event.


Luo Chaoyu, director of Xinbei Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone, presided over the opening ceremony of the meeting. Ai He, Vice President and deputy Secretary general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, addressed the meeting.



Professor Hu Youping from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Teacher Zhang Laixiao from West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Teacher Zhang Jinxing from the Second High School Hospital of Sichuan Province, and Teacher Gao Rui from Xinbei Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone will give lectures. Experts respectively from the classical acupuncture in the treatment of pain in the clinical application, five special acupuncture methods of facial paralysis, after stroke dysphagia acupuncture points, the application of traditional Chinese medicine appropriate technology in skin facial beauty and other topics of wonderful speeches, the content of the simple, received unanimous praise from the participants.

Through this training, the participants have a better understanding and grasp of relevant TCM appropriate technology and methods, but also strengthen the promotion and application of TCM appropriate technology, so that TCM appropriate technology can play a better advantage and role in the prevention and treatment of common diseases and frequently occurred diseases, and better serve the people at the grassroots level.