Take ERAS as the goal to ensure comfortable medical treatment
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-11-19

ERAS and comfortable medical care are a multi-disciplinary cooperative mode of treatment concept. Through the implementation of various effective interventions, psychological, physiological and surgical stress can be reduced, and conditions can be created to promote the early recovery of patients. The municipal medical continuing education project "The First Comfort Medical Summit Forum and Training Course on the Application of Comfort Medical Treatment in Medical and Aesthetic Anesthesia with ERAS as the Target" (C22-01-104110116), sponsored by Chengdu Hi tech Medical Association and undertaken by Sichuan People's Hospital Medical Group Xinlimei Medical Beauty Hospital, was successfully held online from November 18 to 19, with more than 950 people participating in the training.


You Xiaobo, President of Sichuan People's Hospital Medical Group Xinlimei Medical Beauty Hospital, Professor Ou Shan, Director of the Anesthesia Quality Control Center of Hi tech Zone, Ai He, Deputy Secretary General and Vice President of Chengdu Hi tech Medical Association, Professor Xie Xianfeng, Director of Chengdu Anesthesia Quality Control Center, Professor Yu Hai, Chairman of the Anesthesia Special Committee of Chengdu Medical Association, and Professor Si Yongyu, Leader of the Primary Anesthesiology Group of the Anesthesia Special Committee of the Chinese Medical Association attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.


This training invited famous experts from both inside and outside the province to give a special speech. All experts, based on their own experience, popularized and explained ERAS concept in simple terms, vividly described the application of anesthesia quality control in medical and aesthetic surgery, and effectively integrated preoperative evaluation, intraoperative cooperation, postoperative nursing and other links.

Through this training, we hope that the trainees can apply what they have learned to clinical practice, so as to reduce the pain and psychological trauma stress of patients undergoing surgery, achieve the goal of rapid rehabilitation, reduce postoperative complications, promote early rehabilitation, shorten hospital stay, reduce hospital costs, and really benefit patients.