Learn the diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease, promote health peers -- the progress of diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease learning class held smoothly
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-12-20

In order to improve the understanding of kidney diseases and promote the improvement of the prevention and treatment level of kidney diseases, the municipal continuing education project "Progress in Diagnosis and Treatment of Kidney Diseases Learning Class (C22-01-103050124)" was held online on December 10, which was sponsored by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and undertaken by the Department of Nephrology of Chengdu BOE Hospital. A total of more than 1,500 students participated online.


The opening ceremony was presided over by Professor Guo Dongyang of Chengdu BOE Hospital. Ai He, Vice President and Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and Teng Donghai, Vice president of Chengdu BOE Hospital attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. Ai He thanked the experts for their support and wished the conference a complete success. Teng Donghai introduced the basic situation of the Department of Nephrology of BOE Hospital and expressed the expectation for the participants to gain more knowledge in the conference. This training invited experts in the field of nephrology to share the latest development of kidney disease at the present stage and the latest knowledge of the academic frontier, such as the progress in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic kidney disease, lupus nephritis, diabetes management of patients with chronic kidney disease, etc.


The experts at this meeting shared and explained the cutting-edge developments in the field of nephrology in detail, which enabled participants to absorb advanced knowledge and deepen their understanding of the new developments in the field and trigger new thinking. Through the training, the prevention and treatment level of kidney disease is promoted, the knowledge accumulation of doctors and scholars in this field is constantly enriched, and the safer, higher quality and more advanced treatment for patients is greatly promoted.