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Guard the home, Persevere is the victory——A letter to the angel in white
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-09-03

Ladies and gentlemen:

    Recently, the city appears a new round of local new coronavirus epidemic, you wear a white armor, Dan Heart as a spear, ordered in between the sick, by the time of the epidemic.At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is extremely serious and complex. The whole city has strengthened the prevention and control of the epidemic in the face of society in an all-round way, and the struggle against the epidemic has come to a critical juncture.In the face of weather changes, replacement of the sampling system and many other conditions, to ensure the smooth completion of the nucleic acid sampling mission, you carry the weight forward, fighting the frontline, fully demonstrated the great anti-epidemic spirit and the original mission of doctors.

    The benevolent heart fragrant time, the thick virtue moistens the human world!I hope you can continue to withstand the pressure to overcome difficulties, to jointly protect the park under the Snow City, fireworks in the happiness of Chengdu. You are in the front, we are with you, do everything we can to protect the front, to solve your problems, to be your strongest support!

                                                                                           Party branch of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association

                                                                                                                         September 2,2022