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Work together to fight the epidemic and overcome the difficulties---The Party branch of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association continues to recruit reserve volunteers for epidemic prevention and control!
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-07-21

    Since the new local COVID-19 cases appeared in Chengdu on July 15, in order to fully do a good job in the prevention and control of COVID-19 and solve the problem of manpower shortage on the front line, the Party branch of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association gave full play to its role as a fighting fortress, immediately entered the state of preparation, initiated emergency plans, and set up a volunteer recruitment group. Urgently recruit and reserve volunteers in hospital sense, flow regulation, material information and nucleic acid sampling for the allocation of relevant units.

    On July 18, the Party branch of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association recruited more than 700 volunteers.Subsequently, the branch took the initiative to contact and respond to the needs of relevant units, and immediately coordinated more than 450 volunteers to Fangcao, Guixi, Shiyang Community Health Service Center and the law enforcement brigade of the Health Bureau of High-tech Zone to participate in epidemic prevention and control work. That night, recruitment groups were still actively organizing recruitment.


    At 9 PM on July 19, Zeng Bin, secretary of the Party branch of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, received the demand from his superiors and immediately reinforced more than 200 volunteer reserve troops on shift.Subsequently, Zeng Bin organized four recruitment groups to hold an online coordination meeting immediately, set up a volunteer recruitment group, recruited volunteers online, and made phone calls to verify the situation of volunteers.Innovate the volunteer management mode and give full play to the subjective initiative of volunteers. The group leader management mode is adopted in this recruitment. The recruited volunteers are divided into a group of 50 people, and the group leader is selected from the volunteers to implement self-management of the volunteer team.At 12:30 am, each group recruited more than 160 volunteers from the fourth batch service team of High-tech Medical Association.The next day at noon, successfully completed the recruitment and summary of 200 reserve team.


    Over the past few days, the Party branch of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association has led the party members and all the staff of the secretariat to actively respond to the call of superiors, stick to their posts day and night, work together to fight the epidemic, overcome the difficulties, and strive for an early victory over the epidemic!