Improving Critical Care Skills and protecting life Line -- The High-tech Zone will launch 2022 critical care skills training class
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-01-03

In order to further improve the reserve of critical care skilled personnel in Chengdu High-Tech Zone and improve the professional ability of medical staff, according to the relevant requirements of the Medical treatment group of Chengdu Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Headquarters on Holding 2022 Training for Critical care Skilled Teachers in Chengdu, entrusted by Chengdu High-Tech Zone Health Bureau, High-tech Zone Medical Quality Control Management Service Center organized medical intensive care experts to hold Chengdu High-tech Zone 2022 intensive Care Skills Training class online on December 29, 2022, which was attended by more than 700 people in the whole region.


The opening ceremony of the meeting was presided over by Wu Bosheng, head of the Health Department of Chengdu High-tech Zone Health Bureau, who made a speech. He said that the training was very important. He hoped participants could study hard, improve their critical professional skills, and protect people's life safety.


Professor Leng Wenying, Professor Jia Changhai, Professor Han Enze and Professor Ni Meiyan from Chengdu First People's Hospital were invited to give lectures. Experts respectively from how to understand the ventilator ventilation mode, high flow and non-invasive ventilation, ventilator disinfection and cleaning, human-machine asynchronous recognition and treatment, ventilator common alarm recognition and treatment, standardized withdrawal, children ventilator operation topics made wonderful speeches. The life of a patient in intensive care medicine is between a millimeter, when the patient appears life-threatening symptoms, the doctor should not only immediately deal with the most critical problem, but also look for many potential risk factors, to do a comprehensive investigation and remove the crisis. Therefore, the training of critical care medicine core technology is of great significance to improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment ability of medical care.





This critical care medicine knowledge and skills training has further improved the overall theoretical knowledge level and professional technical ability of the critical care medicine discipline in our region, so as to provide a more powerful guarantee for the treatment of acute and critically ill patients.