Beautiful Life, a "fat" has you - the new progress of fat plastic technology training class successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-01-04

To improve the awareness of the new progress of lipoplastic surgery technology and promote the improvement of the technical level of lipoplastic surgery, sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, Chengdu Third People's Hospital undertook the municipal medical continuing education project "lipoplastic technology new progress training class" (No. C22-01-104100454) was held online on December 24, 2022. More than xx students attended the conference.


Ye Feilun, director of the Third People's Hospital of Chengdu, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. He said: Thank you all for attending this conference, and was moved by the students' enterprising and striving to improve their learning spirit; Thank you for the academic exchange platform provided by the society, and thank you for the presence of experts to teach, learn from each other and make progress together.


This online training will invite famous fat plastic experts and scholars in the province to give lectures, which are rich in content and closely based on the current situation, such as: The clinical application experience of laser-assisted liposuction technology, the prevention and treatment of liposuction related complications, the clinical application experience of PRP combined with autologous fat transplantation and other knowledge points, not only have theoretical explanation, but also combined with the actual medical record analysis, it is worth the majority of relevant professional medical personnel to learn.


Through this training, it is hoped that participants can learn more knowledge in the field of adipoplastic surgery, consolidate absorption and improve their professional and technical ability, promote the special technical progress of relevant personnel in medical institutions in adipoplastic surgery, for patients to receive safer and more high-quality treatment to make a huge role in promoting.