In-depth exchanges for common development
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-02-09

On the morning of February 8, Zeng bin, secretary-general of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, and Freya Lim, deputy secretary-general of the association, visited the new office 2023 of Changrui Biotechnology (Chengdu) Co. , Ltd. , accompanied by general manager Deng Fei, at the same time, the two sides had in-depth exchanges on seeking common development.


Deng Fei, general manager of Changrui Biology, elaborated on the company's past growth and its key plans for 2023-2025. He mentioned in particular: our development model to adhere to the guidance of the government, the association to participate in business operations, and ultimately achieve a win-win situation.


Medical Association secretary-general Zeng Bin said: high-tech Medical Association and Changrui biological in the development of many points of convergence, through selective cooperation, differentiation of development, will be able to form a breakthrough service results. Secretary-general Zeng stressed: the current three cooperation, first, joint biotechnology enterprise experts, to jointly establish a development alliance to achieve industry resource-sharing; Second, we will provide momentum for regional ethics committees and regional GCP alliances to achieve overall results at the regional level. Third, we will strengthen financial services for medical innovation and actively promote the delivery of science and technology innovation projects.


It is believed that with the consensus reached, Chengdu high-tech Medical Association and Changrui biology will work hand in hand to transform the achievements of scientific research and promote the innovative development of bio-pharmaceutical health industry.